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View Full Version : 6br Norma & 6br Remington

11-27-2010, 05:04 PM
What is the difference between the two 6BR's

11-27-2010, 05:51 PM
Well lets see if I can get this right.
The original case was the 6mm BR, Remington chambered it for use in pistols made from 40X actions. The round was original developed for silhouette shooting. Somehow, someway, someone, started seeing the potential of the round in rifles, so they made the neck longer so that it would not chamber in the pistols. This longer necked round became the 6mm BR Norma, where the shorter rounds received the Remington designation. Basically the difference is the neck length.

11-28-2010, 07:33 AM

Nor Cal Mikie
11-28-2010, 08:40 AM
And, a little difference in the case demensions. Probably 99.99% of the reamers available now are for the 6mmBR "Norma" design. You can fire the 6BR "Remington" brass in the newer 6mmBR "Norma" chambers but not the other way around. The shorter neck is the biggest difference between the two chambers. And, Norma/Lapua brass is much better than the Remington brass.

12-05-2010, 04:28 AM
There are differences and I have asked several popular barrel makes which they uses. Several had no idea and gave the the phone number to the people who make their tooling. I thought it would be nice to get sizing dies that actually matched the chamber.

12-05-2010, 08:28 AM
6mm Norma Dies are very easy to find. I'm using Redding dies for mine with the competition seater.