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View Full Version : How do you carry your spare mags?

04-28-2021, 06:58 PM
Most of my centerfire rifles have blind mags, This new Axis has detachable mags. How do you carry them out in the field? Toss the spare in a pocket? or do you have some kind of belt pouch?
My 22 mags fit in a 38 cal dump pouch that I keep on the sling. It keeps them clean and free of pocket lint.
I'm hoping to find something to carry an extra 223 mag in. Thanks DR

04-29-2021, 06:33 PM
I carry them in a 4-pouch ammo sling. I just put the sling over my head to one side. If the mags aren't too large, I stuff them in my pockets. I hadn't thought about the lint though. Maybe that's not such a good idea.

04-29-2021, 06:38 PM
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHTB1PBRvnw fH8KJjy1zcq6ATzpXaz%2FTactical-Vest-Airsoft-Molle-Tactical-Plate-Carrier-Vest-Combat-Training-Vest-with-4-Mag-Pouches-1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

Seriously. Get yourself a range bag or a fanny pack.

charlie b
04-29-2021, 08:05 PM
I used to carry one in the old GI first aid pouch. Never needed it. Don't hunt these days.

Sent from my SM-P580 using Tapatalk

04-30-2021, 06:24 AM
I used to carry one in the old GI first aid pouch. Never needed it. Don't hunt these days.

Sent from my SM-P580 using Tapatalk That's how I carry my extra magazines when out in the woods.

04-30-2021, 05:17 PM
I'll have to look for a First Aid pouch. That may be just what I need.

Charlie, I have mostly given up hunting big game. But hunting Coyotes and Varmints don't require me to climb mountains, or drag back an animal that out weighs me! But still gets me out there! DR

05-01-2021, 07:13 AM
I'll have to look for a First Aid pouch. That may be just what I need.

Charlie, I have mostly given up hunting big game. But hunting Coyotes and Varmints don't require me to climb mountains, or drag back an animal that out weighs me! But still gets me out there! DR Pretty flat here in central Georgia. Deer hunting is from a stand so this old phart can still hang in there. I Always have a 4 wheeler close by so I don't have to drag deer any more. With having emphysema I can't drag or carry anything very far any more. I hog hunt on a friend's land in southwest Georgia and that is rolling hills so I really have to slow down there!

05-04-2021, 02:03 AM
Pretty flat here in central Georgia. Deer hunting is from a stand so this old phart can still hang in there. I Always have a 4 wheeler close by so I don't have to drag deer any more. With having emphysema I can't drag or carry anything very far any more. I hog hunt on a friend's land in southwest Georgia and that is rolling hills so I really have to slow down there!

I grew up where it was flat farm land! But where I live now everything is either up or down hill! There is no flat! DR