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charlie b
10-22-2020, 08:39 AM
Interesting that Sportsman's Warehouse had some sp magnum primers the other day for normal price. You LGS is price gouging.

10-22-2020, 09:30 AM
sorry, but i agree with gacop this is a supply and demand economy.
i am selling at 60 per k and only have a few sr left.
left overs from my retail days.
you need to remember the retailers cannot get anymore either.
this is the 3rd big run on primers since the 90's.
i learned long ago...buy big when prices are "normal"
normal changes. in the 90's it was $10/12 per k, then 22-25 per k and today people consider 30-35 per k normal.

Interesting that Sportsman's Warehouse had some sp magnum primers the other day for normal price. You LGS is price gouging.

10-22-2020, 10:03 PM
I had a few going into this mess but what I usually do is post something on a local gun friendly online classifieds board and do a for sale or trade on what I need. I picked up a mess of small pistol and small rifle primers in July. Traveled less than 40 miles for the transactions. I do this a lot for reloading supplies when I can't find what I want online.

charlie b
10-23-2020, 07:59 AM
sorry, but i agree with gacop this is a supply and demand economy.
i am selling at 60 per k and only have a few sr left.
left overs from my retail days.
you need to remember the retailers cannot get anymore either.
this is the 3rd big run on primers since the 90's.
i learned long ago...buy big when prices are "normal"
normal changes. in the 90's it was $10/12 per k, then 22-25 per k and today people consider 30-35 per k normal.

Supply and demand is exactly what people say when they charge $20/gal for gas or $4 for a bottle of water. The only difference is this is recreational products.

10-23-2020, 11:56 AM
if you make 5 bucks per k of primers and you sell 20k per week that is $100 PROFIT.
EVERY WEEK . paying for the rent or the food.
if primers dry up...how do you make up for the lost income??
you raise the price on what you can get till the supply returns to "normal".
the guy sell the primers has to eat too.

if you notice, as a rule walmart does not do this...their base is so big and wide that single product issue do not bother them.
they sold 22 rimfire ammo for the original price,when they had any...they had fix price contracts with the suppliers.
gew companies are big enough to do that.

Supply and demand is exactly what people say when they charge $20/gal for gas or $4 for a bottle of water. The only difference is this is recreational products.

10-24-2020, 06:50 AM
Interesting that Sportsman's Warehouse had some sp magnum primers the other day for normal price. You LGS is price gouging. Exactly. Both LGS are the only game in the area and they know it.

10-24-2020, 08:11 AM
Sportsman's Warehouse just opened up new facilities here in Erie Pa.
3 miles from me should make it convenient, if they have stock, and
can price better then Mid South or Powder Valley considering I would
be not paying shipping and hazmat, which they blend into the pricing.

I see they positioned themselves near the Field and Stream store !!

10-24-2020, 11:50 AM
Well, Sportsmans Warehouse did not position themselves close to
Field and Stream !! They are in the same store. Field and Stream
was bought out by Sportsman's Warehouse and are in the process
of re-configuring the store. Shelves are being stocked and unpacked
boxes are on skids in the middle of the isles......I asked for primers
and was pointed to roughly a bare shelf but did hit some gold. I do
use WLR primers, and do have a fair supply. There were 12 boxes of
a thousand and I snagged 2 at $28 bucks each. I see no gouging there
especially since I'm only paying 6% state tax. with the WLR's there
were 11 boxes of Remington large rifle magnum primers and 18 boxes
of CCI 250's. Pricing on these were normal......No other primers of any
type were there. Also no powder of any type was shown. Best I could
get out of a sales person was, come back next week as the shelves are
being worked on.....So if your near Erie Pa. and you need some primers ??

10-25-2020, 06:13 AM
Well, Sportsmans Warehouse did not position themselves close to
Field and Stream !! They are in the same store. Field and Stream
was bought out by Sportsman's Warehouse and are in the process
of re-configuring the store. Shelves are being stocked and unpacked
boxes are on skids in the middle of the isles......I asked for primers
and was pointed to roughly a bare shelf but did hit some gold. I do
use WLR primers, and do have a fair supply. There were 12 boxes of
a thousand and I snagged 2 at $28 bucks each. I see no gouging there
especially since I'm only paying 6% state tax. with the WLR's there
were 11 boxes of Remington large rifle magnum primers and 18 boxes
of CCI 250's. Pricing on these were normal......No other primers of any
type were there. Also no powder of any type was shown. Best I could
get out of a sales person was, come back next week as the shelves are
being worked on.....So if your near Erie Pa. and you need some primers ?? Your lucky. No Sportsman Warehouse here in middle Georgia.

charlie b
10-25-2020, 07:26 AM
Probably not that lucky these days :)

Our Sportsman's has a lot of empty shelves, of everything. Fishing, camping, shooting sections are all pretty picked over.

You can still buy bolt action rifles and hunting or high end shotguns. Pistols sometimes get a shipment in and are then sold quickly.

I wonder if places like Savage are still cut back or shut down?

10-25-2020, 08:02 AM
Probably not that lucky these days :)

Our Sportsman's has a lot of empty shelves, of everything. Fishing, camping, shooting sections are all pretty picked over.

Since this is a new opening store, I'm going to bet on early good inventory to make
things look good, and especially with the Holidays around the corner. Maybe a
plan to head to the credit union and stock up the wallet. Since the place is close by
and I do drive near it quite a bit it, I may get some shelf pilfering done. Lots of box's
on pallets were still sitting in the isles. As for firearms ?? They have more on the
wall then "Yield and Scream" ever had. Lots of pistols and scopes in the show cases.

11-21-2020, 03:05 AM
a non-starter..he aint getting elected

You're not the only one that thought that. Not that I believe he was actually elected, he's just going to be President until Harris takes over.

11-21-2020, 09:19 AM
Our new Sportsmens Warehouse shelves have been blank since
my last post. Powder is in though, but held up with the name
change on the license. I seen the new powder magazine they
brought in last week. It's bigger then what Yield and Scream
had in there. Maybe they'll need both hopefully.

11-21-2020, 01:21 PM
Do you believe it will be due to demand or do you fear he will shut down the entire gun industry from firearms to powder, bullets, primers or anything else? He already said, and it is on video, (though he now denies it) he will make the fake Mexican failed democrat candidate gun czar in charge of disarming people.

My how things have evolved since mid october.

11-21-2020, 02:08 PM
My how things have evolved since mid october.
They have been (evolving) for much longer than that.
But it now appears we have 2 or maybe 3 weeks to prove our case or the curtain comes down on our way of life.

11-22-2020, 09:15 AM
Have no fear !! I hear the new supreme court judge hide's a short
300 blackout under her robes.:cool:

12-28-2020, 11:25 PM
I don't have any small rifles, but I bought some Federal ammo for my 6.5 Creedmoor and it takes SRP's and I had none. A friend wanted to get into reloading and needed 250 small pistol primers. A friend on another site offered to sell me some SPP's for the price he paid. My wife and I drove down and I picked them up, and he offered to sell me some SRP's for the same price. Then about a week later I got a call from a LGS asking if I wanted the brick of SRP's I had reserved back in October, of course I did. I already had enough of the other primers I use on hand so now I am pretty much set. You never know when fate will smile, and we're in a small midwestern town. Here's hoping the same blessing comes to each of us who needs it.

12-29-2020, 07:06 PM
I stop into the local Sportsman's fairly often for this or that, have a pretty good rapport with most of the guys. It's been bare lately but was in yesterday evening and a guy came out from behind the gun counter and asked if I needed anything, primers? I nearly said no I was so shocked- he goes in the back comes out with 1000 sr in one hand and 1000 lr in the other, says I can have either but not both unless I have someone with me. $31.79.

12-30-2020, 08:22 AM
Since my last entry, A LGS in Perry Ga (12 miles away) now has a great supply of powders but still no rifle, pistol or shotgun primers and not a very good selection of bullets.

12-30-2020, 09:12 AM
I missed a LRP notification from midway on Monday [emoji849]

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