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View Full Version : Another Bolt Lift Thread !!

07-08-2020, 06:05 AM
Did an experiment at the range yesterday. With a totally clean as
a whistle bolt, I took a cotton swab and a small tin of Imperial
sizing wax, and did a light touch up of every rub area I could find.
I put the bolt in, and as I was cycling, did the touch up treatment
to the rear cam that's exposed. Cycled it about ten times then went
to shooting. Normally I use Dry-Slide, but just wanted to try something
different.....Using a known load that can cause harder bolt lift, I had
"NADA". Bolt ran like a dream. Not sure how long the treatment will last
but I guess you'll know when it does. Just another option fellas.....

07-08-2020, 07:45 PM
The caveat with lubricating internal bolt parts has always been when the solvents evaporate they leave behind a gunk that slows the movement of the firing pin. ISW doesn't have a solvent to evaporate that I am aware of. Interesting choice of lubricants and I am following the success of this.

07-09-2020, 06:47 AM
The caveat with lubricating internal bolt parts has always been when the solvents evaporate they leave behind a gunk that slows the movement of the firing pin. ISW doesn't have a solvent to evaporate that I am aware of. Interesting choice of lubricants and I am following the success of this.

And like the top of the tin say....(Use sparingly) And It was just a light
touch I used. You have to be cautious about any excess around the bolt
head. Just kiss it. Too much, and as the rifle gets warm, it's going to flow