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View Full Version : MSR15: MSR-15 Recon Lower Blems

12-22-2019, 01:14 AM
Just wanted to ask around with different owners experience with fit and finish on their MSR's.

Do any of you guys have Blems on your lower?

I have some pretty noticeable spots where it looks like filing was done after the forging process to smooth out imperfections.

I'm at a lose what to do as the thing shoots really well, but these are driving me crazy.

Heres a pic.


12-22-2019, 10:09 AM
It's a tough one...I understand the expectation of wanting a "perfect" rifle you paid for with your hard earned money. But it's simply a tool to get a job done. Nobody should buy a modern AR expecting it to be a museum piece. If it shoots great then just live with it. I am sure you will eventually whack it against something and add your own mark to it.