View Full Version : shooter choice cleaning rod woes

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12-19-2019, 01:17 PM
The Tipton handle has a retainer that protrudes from the rear, and drags on your palm when push it because it rotates with the rod. I fixed mine by cutting the retainer down so it is below flush with the handle.

12-19-2019, 08:24 PM
i was raised around guns and taught by my grandfather. as wise as he was"rest in peace" he had that old school thought and simple mindedness to fire arms. swab the bore a few times and oil it and put away till next season. he took plenty of deer turkey pheasant grouse ect.. dosnt mean his method was wrong, but for us new age shooters and hunters it isnt perfect. for years i did what i was taught, all my guns shoot great and are in great condition. but as i got older and bought more guns and shot more than i ever have. i started looking more into a proper cleaning. old dogs can truly learn new tricks. like i said i have used 3piece aluminum rods for years but they are wore out now. wanted a 1 piece rod because from what i have read they are better for the bore. found shooters choice made 100% in usa and about 2hr north of me in NY state. 1st rod was a dud second rod was not there fault. they sent a 3rd should be here by this saturday. they have stood by there product and gave A+ customer support. if the 3rd rod is not to my exspectations i might look else wheres. like i said im new to this whole proper cleaning game. when i bought the new rod i picked up my first bore guide. i also tried a new solovent besides hoppes#9 (bore tech) and i couldnt believe the difference. i do thank you all for your suggestions

12-20-2019, 05:22 PM
just recieved new rod. packaging was perfect, but can spin it and still see a wobble in it. am i asking for to much? to me it should be strait as an arrow, even more so for spending 50 bucks on it

12-21-2019, 09:47 AM
just recieved new rod. packaging was perfect, but can spin it and still see a wobble in it. am i asking for to much? to me it should be strait as an arrow, even more so for spending 50 bucks on it
Could it be that we were all better off when we weren’t so well informed? Lol

12-21-2019, 12:26 PM
Great customer support does not equate with quality.(Thinking Vortex, except their higher end products) Two separate things in my mind. The damage could have happened during shipping.... exposing the quality of this particular product. I want my exposure to customer support between almost never and never.

12-22-2019, 02:20 PM
i asked for a refund.. looking into montana extream rods. as they are coated spring steel

12-22-2019, 03:04 PM
I like the Pro-Shot micro polished rods. Just my 2 cents.

12-22-2019, 03:41 PM
I've read about coated rods peeling or collecting debris for years, yet none of my Deweys have. I do wipe the rod after every series of passes and would do the same with any quality rod. Only complaint I had was the earlier Dewey rods had a machined groove in the plastic handle for the bearings. I had one like that and so did my son, both handles have been replaced with the new style. I can spin the handle upstairs and it will still be spinning by the time I get to my reloading room downstairs.

Maybe next time I need a new cleaning rod I'll try a dual bearing carbon Tipton, and although it's simply personal preference, I don't care for their handle design.

I’ve got a bunch of Dewey rods also. One fell over on the shop floor and got sand embedded in the coating. It cleaned up but took a small blade to pop the little bits out. Makes me wonder about the stuff I can’t see that gets embedded in it. I’ve switched to carbon fiber. Store them in a piece of 1/2” pvc pipe.

12-22-2019, 04:46 PM
i am sure the carbon rods work well. but if one snaps and goes into your hand its going to get nasty.

12-23-2019, 12:41 AM
i am sure the carbon rods work well. but if one snaps and goes into your hand its going to get nasty.

What?!?!? It is not a carbon fiber arrow under hard acceleration from a compound bow. It is a cleaning rod. You are scaring me man.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fecowatchroar-img.rbl.ms%2Fsimage%2Fhttps%253A%252F%252Fassets.r bl.ms%252F6641938%252F980x.jpg%2F2000%252C2000%2Fl jDjKMHpOHpKySaC%2Fimg.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

12-23-2019, 12:09 PM
You couldn't break a carbon fiber rod without a hammer.....

12-23-2019, 01:28 PM
What?!?!? It is not a carbon fiber arrow under hard acceleration from a compound bow. It is a cleaning rod. You are scaring me man

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fecowatchroar-img.rbl.ms%2Fsimage%2Fhttps%253A%252F%252Fassets.r bl.ms%252F6641938%252F980x.jpg%2F2000%252C2000%2Fl jDjKMHpOHpKySaC%2Fimg.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
Well to tell the truth, that’s what has kept me from bow hunting all these years. Lol

12-23-2019, 02:47 PM
I still use wood arrows (Douglas fir). ;-)

Come to think of it, the rammers on my flintlocks are wood as well.

12-23-2019, 03:59 PM

12-23-2019, 08:00 PM
Rodney Rodholder to the rescue. Yet again.
The guys a wimp, He should be standing up holding the rod like a real man. Lol

12-23-2019, 10:16 PM
For $hits and giggles I just took my Bore Tech V-Stix and rolled it across the top of our electric kitchen range (glass top). No wobble that I could detect, and sighting down it I see straight to a semi-trained eye.

Now, the old five-piece brass rod with rosewood handle that my grandpa (b. 1879) cleaned his .22 with that I still have . . .

12-24-2019, 09:31 AM
I guess auto mechanics could have the same type discussion over what brand wrenches should be used, and god help the poor guy who had a box full of Craftsman stuff.
The bigger question might be how often do the things even need to be cleaned.
I have stood and watched those guys at Williamsport feverishly trying to wear out their barrel with a cleaning rod.
And most of them never win anything anyway.

12-24-2019, 05:09 PM
im sure the carbon rods work good.. most of the time. a quick review search on them show alot of them snapping or bent rod ends or the rod tip coming completly off. if you have had goo luck with em then great! but im not sold on the idea. i have lost a few carbon fiber noodle rods to a few big salmon n steelhead mostly due to a knick or cut in the outer layer. not puttin it down but i dont think they are for me. Plus they are made in the not so great country of CHINA

12-24-2019, 11:14 PM
The bigger question might be how often do the things even need to be cleaned.

Me Pappy taught me that the sun never sets on a dirty bore. Been my policy right along.

12-25-2019, 09:55 AM
Me Pappy taught me that the sun never sets on a dirty bore. Been my policy right along.
That seems to be the policy many people have, but that doesn’t relate to the question.
Small bore shooters tend to let the target remind them when it’s time to clean the bore.
Im not so sure thats the wrong approach with any of them.