View Full Version : Need a new chronograph. What do you recommend?

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05-03-2019, 07:31 AM

05-07-2019, 08:29 PM
Great to range for the first time with magneto speed sport and have a question for you all.

Can you track more more then one string? Have more then one avg, sd,es, etc...

I don't believe that you can do this. You have to clear the current string to start a new one. That would be a great feature and it's probably available on higher $$ models.

05-08-2019, 08:04 AM
Great to range for the first time with magneto speed sport and have a question for you all.

Can you track more more then one string? Have more then one avg, sd,es, etc...

I wish. I was looking into this recently, and I was hoping that the data transfer (XFR) accessory would accomplish this with the phone app, but you have to unplug it to transfer, so it is just as much work. I shoot a string, log everything in my notebook, reset, shoot another.

05-08-2019, 11:25 AM
I have a magneto V3. On my heavy bull barrels such as my fclass comp gun I’ve not noticed a difference in groups with it on or off. I test with it on to get low sd/es. Then sight in without it. POI want off by much. But I usually develop loads with the other rifles with it off and just use to get speed for my StrelokPro after I find a group that shoots well at 300 or 500 yards.

What really nice about it is I can attach to my Ultra 9 and once attached I just screw on each rifle and fire the desired number of rounds. Remove from that rifle and onto the next that I shoot suppresed. Most rifles I shoot suppressed so once the V3 is set up for the suppressor I just reach for the next rifle on the cabinet and screw it on.

Not sure how good the Labradar works but the V3 can be a pain in the ass switching from gun to gun with multiple barrel diameters. There is always the chance you’ll screw up and shoot it (shouldn’t if you pay attention), on smaller barrels I’m sure it would affect the accuracy as it affects barrel harmonics so doing load development or sighting in with it on may not work as well.

But like I said I usually find a good load without it on then use to get the speed after. It’s nice because it can be a downpour or blizzard out, I simply attach the V3, open my window in my reload room, Fire 3 or 5 rounds at my backstop, then close the window and analyze the data. No aligning something 10 feet away, no going down range, and no constant error messages cause you shot to high/low/left/right etc. Weather doesn’t mess with it either. Someday I’d like to get a labradar. But I still see benefits to both

05-08-2019, 02:43 PM
Even though you have already purchased a magnetospeed. I would have suggested a labradar, in funds permitted. My reason for going with a labradar over a magnetospeed is:

No need to "fit" to other guns. Some rifles are just a pain in the arse to get the mag attached and some you just can't, period.

Labradar can be used with handguns, air rifles or arrows.

Yeah, the are more pricey, MAP is $559 here in the US. And you need a tripod or table mount. But, IMO, well worth it. I have used a Mag in the past and would buy another Labradar in a NY minute.