View Full Version : FP10 does coyote & p-dogs....again...:)

10-07-2010, 07:17 PM
It was a dark & stormy morning. Lighting flashing all around, but still it was 67* & 5:20 am so I waited until it was just light enough & walked to the same hill I shot p-dogs/coyotes from 2 weeks back. Clouds move on and sun was trying to peep out.
At 6am I started calling, heard some about 1/2 mile away. I had a nice buck Antelope at about 140 yds and feeding right to me at about 90 feet. It finally made me and walked off & I coyote yipped at it, he stopped and then just walked on like I was no big deal, course not I dont have goat tags!!
I waited a while, then p-dogs started to come out so I commenced shooting them, out goes 87 rounds. About 8am I started to walk 3/4 mile to my other dog town I have not shot in this year at all. I called coyotes at 3 spots on my way, then finally went all the way to the other dog town.
I shot 106 rounds then moved along the hill to check one I hit at 420yds. I set up and started to shoot more. All morning I heard about 11 other shots, all from Antelope hunters according to the ranch forman who told me last nite to be carefull as he had some going out today.
I had seen no less then 80 speed goats already & they are feeding all around me at 100-1800 yds off in groups.
So anyway I'm shooting away & all this time I have 5 nice bucks at about 300yds just feeding along then laying down with me shooting around them. Worried they were not!
So I turn and shoot more and here trots out a big coyote at about 500 yards chomping down the ones I shot just 20 min. earlier and moved to my new spot from.
HA!....I knew there were more dogs out here and she just chomped down & walked in my direction. With no reguard to my shots at all.
I had my gillie head cover one, but took it off as it was getting hot. She must of saw me move (laying prone) and made a break and was actually trotting right into a much better firing lane for me. I threw out some Ki Yis and it stopped, it ran, it stopped, it trotted, I called again and it stopped looking back trying to figure what dog was calling and BOOM, thwaap!.....It ran about 20 feet and dropped dead. Time..10:30 am. It was a long walk at 367 yards to pick her up.
I was using my .223 FP10 & put a 50Vmax bullet at 3300+ fps a tad behind the shoulder, hit the lungs and thats the end. The hard part was dragging it 3/4 mile to the truck, but I have a dragline I made so it was not to hard. Skinned & skull in freezer with the other one I need to clean. 3 coyotes within the same area this month alone. Oh I left my digi and drinks 35 miles back home, glad I had water in the truck and took it with me. Pics from home.
It was 29lbs (stomach had 6 p-dogs in it!), nice fur & burs.

10-07-2010, 09:23 PM
Way to go.