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View Full Version : Barrel Vise question

04-02-2018, 09:28 PM
So, tonight I removed my first ever Savage barrel. In the end I ended up with a couple of small scuffs on the barrel. My vise shttp://www.savageshooters.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBwgHBgkIBwgKCgkLDRYPDQwMDRsUFRAWIB0iIiAdHx 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5OjcBCgoKDQwNGg8PGjclHyU3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3N//AABEIAFoAkAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgcEBQEDCAL/xAA2EAABBAEBBQYEBQMFAAAAAAABAAIDBBEFBhIhMUEHE1Fhca EiQoGRFCMyouGSsdEVJDM0Uv/EABgBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAwUC/8QAIREBAAICAQQDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAECAxESBCExQSJRcQX/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ALxREQEREBERAREQERYtrUaVN7GW7UELnnDRJIG7x8soMpFw1w cMgghcoCIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiINXr u0tAoPuX3OEbMDDRkknkPZYmnbX6Nf0tmostCOB7i0d4MEuHMA defTKjW1euvhrysN815I7LmOJaQC0OdgZHDGCBxxy6qK1tXp3Z pZJZX3700XdRvwQyBgcDnJ4dOQyTnjjipM9muLDa1 MxKwbu3VGPIpV5rLhyJG4334 yhW2l6xqmqSTt02tqdABoqva57HDLRkFzSPm3uB5eSxB8R/V6BpWl1LZ91m0 xXuvgc/G AOeOuQQvEX 3St/PrMarOv1b2xesw2aMNKYR17jGf9TeyWNHAewzx44UpCpXZPTBU ijcwyGGu8/wC4c4sa2U5LS4jiG54HHipTS1LbQ1tQbqDasLhC51WSIskeX9A GjI3Tx58V7rMy53UYq4bcYnawUVSbIdo1mta/D7RzOnryO4WN34oj5gDi3 39rYilZNGySJ7XxvaHNc05BB5EFVi 0REBERAREQERRza3a6nswIG2a9ieWcExtixjhjmSeHNBI1w4gA k8AOqp7U 1HWLIc3T61emw8nO/Mf74HsohquuarqZJ1DUbE4PyOeQ3 kcPZE2sLb25oFN80xuQTMlOLFeM94QT14cs fVR7YSKhfumSnD30EDt6aOU/EGk4Hr09VX92xLHDIyI4Dxgr42c167oN38VTeN4t3JY3j4ZWHo f89FlaO 3R6bNM45xxPy9LqbpepUL9m7q2sG5ppDi6o6E4dwIaACSGEcD8 I6KP2qslSzJXsF2/GcOHuPZYMW1r5YQ51LvWnDo2y2XuYPMt6/daLVdXsObLav2pHue4lwzjfceOP46BLzE GvR4suLc5O0JHPrLtPpWKjBFPBYAbLWc7GfMHofUEeSR7Yzx1Y 214ZmSw/8IfMCxngTgAux0BwFX8GujvSJIA1nTB4rYi33kbnkboyNwEOBd zzzA9s80jl6MlujvPO3l0ahDqNi530N1sbCcujMe8M9fVTbYnb Sxs7MKloOl0pzuMYOXQ5 Zvl4t vPnERKMZc4BdUlpoPAOd7LSHLtMTadPTlG5Xv1Y7NOZk0EgyyR hyCFkKouxC1al1DVIHSu/CsiY7us/CHknj64BVuqoIiICIiAq67Wa4lk01zmncLZGZxyPwkfXmrFWv1 3SodY0yWnPw3hlj8cWOHIoPOF7varZd2MyPYMtYDjf9Fr6li1Y En4msYQMFp4jPlgqWa7ps0E8tadm5aru3SPH DzHqo6eWMIjDst3srXGINmYXHDN4bxHhnittLjyWM6Jrv1ZIKm li2p2759RdUquZCwERgNZKQ7jw9N39x q0Vm1ZsFslh73 GeX0W1ZVrxu3mxN3v/AERkrJjidakbBFE6eV36YmML3O9GjiVIrDS fJeNWlpKtc2yWnIaOZ8Fs69WKsPy24PUk8VNtG7NNpNRDC rFp8HR1l26ceTBk/fCnWjdkej1g12rWp9Qk6tb TH9gd79y9MlMQsfPK2GGN8srv0sjaXOP0HFSzSOzfaXU91z6ra ER e07dP9IyfuArz0zSdO0mLutNpV6rOoijDc p6/VZqKiWwexUeyLLT/wAa61PaDA892GNaG72MDifm8VLURAREQEREBERBCu0XQDbq/wCq1WZnrt/OaBxfGOvqOfpnwCpDViRdlaDhpwceoC9RkAjBUHd2XaDNqs920 bEscj95lYP3I2Dw4cSPqiKKgiksSiGCJ8sruUcbS5x gUu0bs02k1PdfLXjoQn57TsOx5NGT98K89M0jTtJi7rTaVeqzq Iow3PqeqzUNK50bsj0eruv1azPqEg5sB7qPPoDvfuU50zStP0q HudNpV6sfUQxhufXx qzURRERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERB//2Q==
looks like this one. The removal went perfect. So, is there a secret to locking the barrel down and not get scuff marks?

big honkin jeep
04-02-2018, 10:05 PM
Just a couple of things I've done. Wrap it with electrical tape or I use an old bicycle inner tube as a barrel cover. You have to wash the powder off the inner tube or it'll slip.

04-02-2018, 10:42 PM
Great. Thanks for the respond. So, I guess I was on the right track without knowing.

04-03-2018, 06:09 PM
I heard a trick that worked VERY well for me....wrap the barrel with thin electronics work rosin core solder. The solder plastically deforms into the wooden barrel vice blocks and galls onto the barrel, and it was snug as being welded in there. When I was done, the solder just peeled off the barrel and left no marks.

04-03-2018, 06:35 PM
Don't know what kind of vise you have...but if it's a "universal" type vise that doesn't use barrel-specific bushings it's impossible to get optimal barrel contact, especially if there's a lot of contour in he chamber area (no cylinder).

It's physics, the more surface area contact, the more pressure that can be applied to the barrel. Universal vises are fine for spinning prefits on and off, but often have difficulty (or can't ) remove factory barrels installed with a ton of torque. Rosin (even powdered sugar in a pinch) will help, be sure to degrease the barrel first. Sometimes they'll slip anyway...which is why I won't work on blued barrels that aren't to be refinished.

04-03-2018, 07:37 PM
Use an action wrench in a vise and just spin the barrel nut loose.

04-04-2018, 10:41 AM
I cut smooth nuts almost all the way off now, cause of that. Stop short of barrel and recoil lug.

Also, now I use an action wrench to spin nut, then loosen action wrench to spin off barrel.

Factory barrels are way too tight.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Arky 223
04-04-2018, 12:23 PM
I have had good results raping an index card around the barrel. I have removed 10 or 12 with 3 being no nut rigs with no marks on barrels. I do remember one was tight came loose at 80 foot pounds.

04-04-2018, 01:44 PM
My very first barrel I used a crescent wrench and the supplied wrench with my bbl kit.

Set stripped barrelled action on floor, use a heavy piece of leather between crescent wrench and receiver/recoil lug, adjust the jaws on wrench until tight. Stand on the nut wrench. Can’t say that I recommend this method but it works.

I bought an action wrench from midway. It works pretty well.

04-07-2018, 12:15 PM
Use a Viper Barrel vise.. Best purchase by far!

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