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12-02-2017, 09:35 PM
So how is the PA deer hunting going guys? I knocked off a young 6 pointer, last light Wednesday with a typical single shot from the mighty 220F "Slug Assassin"

Nothing fancy, just a good healthy young buck for the freezer.

Love that 220F, one shot one kill every time!

12-02-2017, 09:56 PM
So how is the PA deer hunting going guys? I knocked off a young 6 pointer, last light Wednesday with a typical single shot from the mighty 220F "Slug Assassin"

Nothing fancy, just a good healthy young buck for the freezer.

Love that 220F, one shot one kill every time!

haven't gone out yet..ticks are hell out there this year..

penna shooter
12-03-2017, 12:27 AM
Good shooting....

12-03-2017, 12:25 PM
Hunting was fantastic, finding not so much.

I saw a grand total of three momma goats the first day, zero anything the second and had to come home Wednesday morning due to Maw having a severe ear infection. The poor gal was in some serious pain and still is as of today even after two doctor visits. Its good we have a backup cook&bottle washer(ME!) otherwise we would both starve.:p
I was hoping to get back out the second week but depending how she is that idea may not be in the cards. Oh well...


12-03-2017, 05:49 PM
Got one doe tag filled in Tioga during the early muzzleloader,big 'ol cow. Had a bad hit on a big 6 pt. the first morning and never got him,last i heard he's still going so I guess I didn't hurt him too bad. I really hate when that happens. I'm used to seeing them die within sight. One week left,we'll see what happens.

12-05-2017, 01:03 PM
Got a doe with the crossbow in September and another doe with my 243 opening day. Saw a total of 8 doe 2 4 pointers and a small 6 that was moving like he had someplace to be. Couldn't fanagle a shot on him though. Will get out Thursday and Saturday. Hope hope hope...

12-08-2017, 02:37 PM
Done for the year, except for using up the Turkey tag in the spring.

Last week was the 8-point buck, taken with a Rem 700 in 300 AAC Blackout.


And a few days ago took a doe with the Savage 10 barreled for 308 Win.


Yield was 112 lbs of venison in the freezer. That will keep me out of the supermarket meat isle for another year.

01-01-2018, 04:37 PM
Cartridge and stock had me going for a minute. Had to look twice to see the bolt, thought at first that was a AR. LOL

penna shooter
01-01-2018, 04:50 PM
Well done CLM, Noice rifle too

01-03-2018, 09:21 PM
Thanks, I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. The Savage barrel I picked up from another forum user, and it proved to be quite accurate with the 168gr A-Max. I've already turned to the dark side and gave up all my walnut stocks for aluminum chassis stocks. I don't think I'll ever go back... I've come to like having a bolt rifle that handles like an AR, especially for off-hand shooting :)

The 300 Blackout barrel on the Remage'd 700 was a bit of an experiment. I was hoping the PA Game Commission would allow semi-autos for deer season, but alas, they didn't. So, I put a barrel on a 700 and gave it a whirl on a white-tail. Cartridge works OK at ranges under 200 yards. I'll try the experiment again next year using the home-made 300 Blackout barrel on the Savage action.

About the only disappointment was the bullet didn't expand very much. You can see the exit wound on the buck (that trickle of blood just behind the front leg.) The bullet busted a rib on entry, went through the lungs, and exited there through a hole not much bigger than the entry wound. The same A-Max bullet out of the 308 Win did considerably more damage to the doe, making an exit wound about the diameter of a quarter. The velocity out of the 300 Blackout just wasn't high enough to make it expand. So, when I try this again next year it will be with a lighter bullet, higher velocity, and a slower twist rate in the barrel.