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View Full Version : Shooting benches

09-11-2010, 09:26 AM
What are most of the shooters using for varmint hunting, I like the rotating types. looking for some ideas to make another one, I made about 10 of them over the years.


09-11-2010, 02:33 PM
A buddy of mine bought one of the Caldwell rotating benches for this years doggin trip and it is very nice. Goes together quick and the legs are long enough that it is well balanced. All he did was make another top for it cause he didnt like the plastic bench top. He made a wooden one and reused the mount off the original. I'll probably have one for next year I guess...LOL

09-11-2010, 05:39 PM
We use the Incentive Technology tables from Cabelas. They are very sturdy and also rotate 360 deg. we have three of them and we are all big guys and they have held up just fine.

09-13-2010, 05:50 PM
We use the Incentive Technology tables from Cabelas. They are very sturdy and also rotate 360 deg. we have three of them and we are all big guys and they have held up just fine.

I was looking around for that table to check it out, can't find nothing on Incentive Technologies. are there any places where I might find a pic of it.


09-14-2010, 06:01 AM

I was not quite right on the spelling. It is Inventive Technology American Fork Utah.

Sharp Shooter 360 bench

It appears that Cabelas is out of stock or not carrying it any more. But their reviews were all very high. Just Goggle "Reviews Sharp Shooter Bench" and you will call up Cabelas reviews. There were 34 reviews and the average was 4.7 out of 5
Inventive Technology has a web site.

09-14-2010, 08:40 AM

Would this be the bench,
http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_1_10001_101778_425005004_425000000_4 25005000_425-5-4

I believe the model is ARO3-B

seen them somewhere for $99.00

09-15-2010, 03:05 AM
No it is not. Dale

09-20-2010, 08:32 AM
Here is a link with several different benches.


09-20-2010, 08:50 AM

Joe O
09-20-2010, 01:18 PM
Here's on you could probably build for 50 bucks and with a removable, swivel top for Prarie Dogs.


09-20-2010, 07:45 PM
Here's on you could probably build for 50 bucks and with a removable, swivel top for Prarie Dogs.


link does not work

09-20-2010, 07:53 PM
The board does not like the !, you need to copy/paste the whole link and then it works.

Michael Grace