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Nor Cal Mikie
01-19-2018, 09:56 AM
"You'll be shocked at what you'll learn if you do"?? And what do you expect to do if you find out you're right? Not a damn thing!! It's BIGGER than all of us put together. Write you Congressman/Woman? Be sure to let the rest of us know what they have to say AND what THEY plan to do about it. Until that time, you better invest some $$ in Kaiser Aluminum for more tin foil hats. It ain't gunna get any better.
There's stuff going on that you or anybody else can't even imagine and there isn't SQUAT you can do about it. Just keep moving along. Nothing to see here. And you forgot, Bush Knew.

01-19-2018, 10:12 AM
"You'll be shocked at what you'll learn if you do"?? And what do you expect to do if you find out you're right? Not a damn thing!! It's BIGGER than all of us put together. Write you Congressman/Woman? Be sure to let the rest of us know what they have to say AND what THEY plan to do about it. Until that time, you better invest some $$ in Kaiser Aluminum for more tin foil hats. It ain't gunna get any better.
There's stuff going on that you or anybody else can't even imagine and there isn't SQUAT you can do about it. Just keep moving along. Nothing to see here. And you forgot, Bush Knew.There is alot we can do and it is exactly what leaders both liberal and rino fear the most, it is voting out one worlders and getting true constitutionalists that believe in America's sovernty in the places it matters most such as the supreme court and both houses. As far as it being bigger than all of us combined, you are correct... this sums it up best...

Ephesians 6:12King James Version (KJV)

12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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Banana Juice
01-19-2018, 10:16 AM
"You'll be shocked at what you'll learn if you do"?? And what do you expect to do if you find out you're right? Not a damn thing!! It's BIGGER than all of us put together. Write you Congressman/Woman? Be sure to let the rest of us know what they have to say AND what THEY plan to do about it. Until that time, you better invest some $$ in Kaiser Aluminum for more tin foil hats. It ain't gunna get any better.
There's stuff going on that you or anybody else can't even imagine and there isn't SQUAT you can do about it. Just keep moving along. Nothing to see here. And you forgot, Bush Knew.While most of that is spot-on, it's not true that we can't do "a damn thing". If there's one thing that the powers that be fear more than anything else, it's an informed (and armed) citizenry. The more people who learn the truth about what they are up to, the better for all of us. WE THE PEOPLE owe it to ourselves, our children and our grandchildren to not allow the evil in the world to prevail. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. And all I'm trying to do is get people to see facts that are not being freely given. Some people in the world will refuse to see truths that are staring them straight in the face. Those people are already lost and there is little anyone can do to change that. The others among us however, that are willing to look beyond the facade that is being placed before us, are the ones who can spread the information and knowledge that is out there for the taking.

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01-19-2018, 10:21 AM
While most of that is spot-on, it's not true that we can't do "a damn thing". If there's one thing that the powers that be fear more than anything else, it's an informed (and armed) citizenry. The more people who learn the truth about what they are up to, the better for all of us. WE THE PEOPLE owe it to ourselves, our children and our grandchildren to not allow the evil in the world to prevail. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. And all I'm trying to do is get people to see facts that are not being freely given. Some people in the world will refuse to see truths that are staring them straight in the face. Those people are already lost and there is little anyone can do to change that. The others among us however, that are willing to look beyond the facade that is being placed before us, are the ones who can spread the information and knowledge that is out there for the taking.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using TapatalkI agree that's why there are those in power that are working so desperately to dismantle the Second Amendment and just the constitution in general. They have learned from history through multiple and I do mean multiple attempts of Mad Men trying to take over the world that it cannot be done so they are attempting to do it from within. If history teaches us anything it's that we repeat the same behavior. But I do agree it begins with teaching our children and our grandchildren to be independent to think freely and teaching them the true reason why we have the 2nd Amendment why we have all the amendments and the Constitution.

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01-19-2018, 10:24 AM
Well I'm probably one of the few here who were alive as an adult when the Kennedy assassination took place.
I can vividly remember the day and exactly where i was when the news came.
I personally never doubted that one man was capable of the act, given the location he chose.
The long investigation never proved another shooter was involved, as many have thought.
I also believe that a single shooter could have been responsible for the recent carnage in Las Vegas, given the nature of his arsenal.
The conspiracy aspect is a totally different issue, and one which many of us aren't really willing to admit possible in this country.
But it has been a major problem here since the days of our founding.
Can there be any doubt that were seeing it now play out right before our eyes?

01-19-2018, 10:28 AM
You're entitled to believe whatever you want to believe, that's your right, but don't come on here attacking others just because they don't agree with you. Keep that up and you'll find yourself locked out in short order.

And belief is not the path to truth. The facts are.

Glad I don't live in that scary world run by conspiracies.

I'm sure the latest is that the climate is being manipulated with spooky HARP waves and atmosphere spraying so we'll be dependent on the (Insert Secret Organization Here) for drinking water and gluten free wheat.

01-19-2018, 10:33 AM
Well I'm probably one of the few here who were alive as an adult when the Kennedy assassination took place.
I can vividly remember the day and exactly where i was when the news came.
I personally never doubted that one man was capable of the act, given the location he chose.
The long investigation never proved another shooter was involved, as many have thought.
I also believe that a single shooter could have been responsible for the recent carnage in Las Vegas, given the nature of his arsenal.
The conspiracy aspect is a totally different issue, and one which many of us aren't really willing to admit possible in this country.
But it has been a major problem here since the days of our founding.
Can there be any doubt that were seeing it now play out right before our eyes?I agree and if you look at it from a purely statistical standpoint it is inevitable that that type of subversion will occur it is always happen before and it will never cease to happen as long as corruptible mankind is who is in charge

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01-19-2018, 10:40 AM
And belief is not the path to truth. The facts are.

Glad I don't live in that scary world run by conspiracies.

I'm sure the latest is that the climate is being manipulated with spooky HARP waves and atmosphere spraying so we'll be dependent on the (Insert Secret Organization Here) for drinking water and gluten free wheat.I have to disagree with you there when you say facts are the path the truth because in today's world the facts more times than not are not the facts their numbers twisted so they will support whatever agenda someone has the only true path to truth is Christ

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01-19-2018, 03:48 PM
Facts are facts. If they are interpreted wrong that is another matter. A "fact" is something that exists or has happened. You might have to make a decision without enough of them, or with something you believe to be a fact that is not. We get into trouble when we make assumptions about non-factual events as having happened. That is fiction.

We won't get into faith because that is, by definition, belief without facts. It wouldn't need to be faith, otherwise. That would be proof.

01-19-2018, 04:11 PM
Facts are facts. If they are interpreted wrong that is another matter. A "fact" is something that exists or has happened. You might have to make a decision without enough of them, or with something you believe to be a fact that is not. We get into trouble when we make assumptions about non-factual events as having happened. That is fiction.

We won't get into faith because that is, by definition, belief without facts. It wouldn't need to be faith, otherwise. That would be proof.The problem starts with where do people get their so called "facts"... CNN? Pmsnbc, fox, the guardian, snopes or any other source you can think of? The fact IS, 90% of the time, the things people want to call facts are nothing more than anothers version of the so called facts. What are the "facts" on the Vegas shooting? The "fact" is you have no idea unless you were there and even at that you would only have the small piece that you witnessed.

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01-19-2018, 05:17 PM
I totally agree with that.

I have served on juries and grand juries over the years and facts were few and far between in those trials. But when you put them together the patterns start to form.

That's why I try not to "jump to conclusions" from the media reporting.

I also used to be a city comptroller and after being misquoted and having snippets of conversation arranged creatively multiple times I stopped talking to the press. They sensationalize anything to draw attention and sell papers and ads.

01-19-2018, 05:20 PM
I totally agree with that.

I have served on juries and grand juries over the years and facts were few and far between in those trials. But when you put them together the patterns start to form.

That's why I try not to "jump to conclusions" from the media reporting.

I also used to be a city comptroller and after being misquoted and having snippets of conversation arranged creatively multiple times I stopped talking to the press. They sensationalize anything to draw attention and sell papers and ads.Amen.. I don't trust anything I see or hear on the news or tv, I find it wise at times to question what even what i see.

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01-19-2018, 10:29 PM
Enough time has passed that I can say this with certainty......

If you think this was not a deep state inside job, you need your head examined.

The whole thing reeks of conspiracy and cover-up.

This will go down in history as something akin to the Kennedy assassination or 9-11.

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Ummmmm....... maybe you need to re-read everything above and tell me again who attacked who.......

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No, but maybe you do.

You're the one that resurrected this thread which had been inactive for two and a half months simply to express your conspiracy theory. In the process claim that anyone who doesn't agree with you should have their head examined - basically insinuating we're all mental if we don't see things your way.

Naturally someone (Stumpkiller) responded in like fashion as that's typically what happens when you cast the first stone - you get one thrown right back at you.

So as I said, you're entitled to believe whatever you want but insults and/or personal attacks will not be tolerated.

Banana Juice
01-19-2018, 11:10 PM
No, but maybe you do.

You're the one that resurrected this thread which had been inactive for two and a half months simply to express your conspiracy theory. In the process claim that anyone who doesn't agree with you should have their head examined - basically insinuating we're all mental if we don't see things your way.

Naturally someone (Stumpkiller) responded in like fashion as that's typically what happens when you cast the first stone - you get one thrown right back at you.

So as I said, you're entitled to believe whatever you want but insults and/or personal attacks will not be tolerated.Wow...... You sound awfully sensitive for a guy in a gun forum.

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01-19-2018, 11:52 PM
No, we just have rules here and those rules are enforced.

01-20-2018, 02:41 AM
Ok, I did my own research, I'm on board now.

Here's what I learned. The chemtrails told him to do it.

Banana Juice
01-20-2018, 04:52 AM
Ok, I did my own research, I'm on board now.

Here's what I learned. The chemtrails told him to do it.Oh??? Your research told you that, did it?? You need to find better sources, little boy.

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01-20-2018, 11:41 AM
Oh??? Your research told you that, did it?? You need to find better sources, little boy.

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Well that seems to be a big part of the issue dosent it?
We seem to gravitate to the sources that best suit our individual mindset.
Fact is that none of those sources are totally reliable for not having biases of their own.
Power, followed by money, then religion, have been the driving forces for corruption thruout history.
Remove those things, and whats left other than sanity?
Most of the corruption that has, and is taking place in this country at least,is as a result of power and money.
Even the political divide is mostly due to power and money.
I have problems associating incidents like the Las Vegas shooting with that, therefore whats left, other than wait for the investigation to
take it's coarse.
Things could always be better, and hopefully they will be, but bottom line is is there another place in the world we would rather be?
And if there is, what's stopping us?

01-20-2018, 11:52 AM
Well that seems to be a big part of the issue dosent it?
We seem to gravitate to the sources that best suit our individual mindset.
Fact is that none of those sources are totally reliable for not having biases of their own.
Power, followed by money, then religion, have been the driving forces for corruption thruout history.
Remove those things, and whats left other than sanity?
Most of the corruption that has, and is taking place in this country at least,is as a result of power and money.
Even the political divide is mostly due to power and money.
I have problems associating incidents like the Las Vegas shooting with that, therefore whats left, other than wait for the investigation to
take it's coarse.
Things could always be better, and hopefully they will be, but bottom line is is there another place in the world we would rather be?
And if there is, what's stopping us?I agree in part with what you are saying but I don't believe that power money and religion are the driving force I believe those things are mere tools that the forces behind this used to manipulate people. That being said when we listen two media or whatever Source we use not having witnessed the events our self we are basing our beliefs on faith and what we are hearing or what we choose to hear so in that regards I choose to put my faith in Christ.

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Banana Juice
01-20-2018, 12:01 PM
Well that seems to be a big part of the issue dosent it?
We seem to gravitate to the sources that best suit our individual mindset.
Fact is that none of those sources are totally reliable for not having biases of their own.
Power, followed by money, then religion, have been the driving forces for corruption thruout history.
Remove those things, and whats left other than sanity?
Most of the corruption that has, and is taking place in this country at least,is as a result of power and money.
Even the political divide is mostly due to power and money.
I have problems associating incidents like the Las Vegas shooting with that, therefore whats left, other than wait for the investigation to
take it's coarse.
Things could always be better, and hopefully they will be, but bottom line is is there another place in the world we would rather be?
And if there is, what's stopping us?100% spot-on, sir, and well said. People generally don't like to accept things that are not within their comfort zone. Unfortunately, we do not get to pick and choose what reality throws at us. Our only real choice is how we deal with it. Some folks choose to take things head-on, while the majority sticks their heads in the sand.

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