View Full Version : Barrel replacement question -BA Stealth 6.5 Creedmoor

02-23-2017, 11:49 AM
So I decided to go ahead and send my gun in to have the barrel replaced with 24". I see that some people have requested that their new barrel not be fluted. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fluting?

Anyone that had your barrel replaced, what is your feedback on how the gun shoots with the new barrel? Did you go fluted or not? if you went non-fluted, happy or not happy that you went that route?

02-23-2017, 12:06 PM
What barrel are you replacing it with. Savage? Aftermarket prefit?

02-23-2017, 12:29 PM
What barrel are you replacing it with. Savage? Aftermarket prefit?
Savage is replacing it, cause some shipped with a short barrel... it comes fluted from the factory and other guys got them to ship it no flutes...

02-23-2017, 07:40 PM
Flutes remove some weight from the barrel

02-24-2017, 12:31 AM
If you make a barrel twice as thick it is 8 times stiffer, if you make it half as long it is 8 times stiffer. If you cut flutes in it is is likely nearly only half as stiff, because the outside edge is so much more important for it's stiffness.

I think it's mostly a looks or style issue.

Things are always compromises. If you want to walk it miles you want less weight, if you want to shoot targets at a range the weight might help you.

I wonder if the additional machining might distort the barrel a bit due to removing some stress...

02-24-2017, 11:00 AM
Fluting is primarily weight reduction and aesthetics.

02-24-2017, 05:51 PM
Fluting also gives more surface area for cooling.

02-26-2017, 12:26 PM
I sent the gun back yesterday and decided to go with non-fluted barrel. The good thing is that shortens my turnaround time.

03-04-2017, 11:53 PM
Mine is unfluted, wanted stiffer for a can. I like it, weight dif. is not really noticable. Also did because it shortens turn-around time by about a week from what I was told.