View Full Version : HOLY CRAP! Is Sniper Forum as bad as ARF.com? Was I wrong here?

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12-16-2016, 08:04 PM
i have no personal problem with you Dave but it seems that every where you go drama follows and from what ive seen you do egg it on...like here in the thread that you brought up...

WOW! With that type of shooting, I'm sure your a very well known competitor in the country. I would love to see some of your awards. Most impressive indeed, since NO OTHER COMPETITION SHOOTER IN THE COUNTRY USES A 30 CAL.

Note to self..... Add name (hingedthinker) to list of "forum story tellers".

Dave Hoback
12-16-2016, 08:14 PM
My post was AFTER he called me out about recommending the OP keep his 270 because it is ballistically superior to 308. The guy had nothing to do with it and calls me out. He said this:

"Please help me understand this. I shot my S 10FCP in .308 yesterday at 1350 yards (8 shots to hit working windage 36" rect. plate). I also hit a 12" plate dead center at 1200 yards on 2nd shot several times. Once I dialed this in, I feel I could do it repeatedly given the same conditions. So how does a .270 "out range" a .308?"
Oh yeah, and here was where you came Robinhood. (Not you LongRange)


Post #12, last one. Again, Robinhood, you were nasty to me for something you weren't even involved in!!! Please tell me you guys understand what I'm saying?? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

But like I said, I like you all here. Just dont get pissy with someone expressing an opinion, and keep your mouth shut if it doesn't in love you. That's all I'm saying. Just pet peeve. ESPECIALLY when it's aimed at me. I don't do that to people. I just posted my first stuff here.

12-16-2016, 09:08 PM
Dave..... We are yanking your chain. Relax, you make it too fun.

12-16-2016, 09:14 PM
I'm done here because it's a waste of my time... and again Dave I don't have a personal problem with you but read the words you just posted...if you don't get it I don't know what to say.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dave Hoback
12-16-2016, 09:43 PM
Lol. I get it. That was my point with continuing it. :argue::thumb: I know everything here is good. Tell you the truth. I always have a smile on my face. Even when dealing with the fraud over at snipersjoke or whatever. I've been through so much, crippled, almost died lost my daughter. This world is full of so much bad, you really can't let little things make you angry. Put your faith in & praise The Lord. Have a great time with this.

So yeah, back to Gregory Dykstra, he tells be he built 60 firearms last year. I guess he counts changing the barrels on those DTA bull pup chassis as "building" LOL! Why do people lie about things?

12-17-2016, 10:06 AM
My big pet peeve is there is no reason to be nasty to someone! If you don't agree with someone, fine! Make your point! But don't make a point to tell the other person they are wrong, and spreading misinformation. No need for that. And CERTAINLY NO NEED involve yourself in a an argument two other people are having! I don't do that. I never attack someone's opinion or tell them they are wrong. And I NEVER get involved in anyone else's argument that I wasn't a part of. That's what people have done to me EVERY time. I never start the argument. But I finish them verrrry well. Lol. J/k. No, there's never a winner. But I thought this deuschers nonsense would be humorous here.
Following this advice strictly can present ethical dilemmas.

There are times when an individual deliberately posts false or misleading information. I have seen these posts damage both people and hardware reputations in spite of extraordinarily well informed and polite rebuttals.

Whether motivated by malice or ego self-stroking, these guys can cause enormous damage. The worst kind of trolls are those who crave the attention they gain thriugh rebuttals to their bait. These guys seem to be be clueless about what they do nor the damage they cause. When challenged, the tendency is to first engage in specious arguments, then personal attacks, evolving into the more subtle claim that others have poor reading skills.

I do not envy the role of moderatators in these cases. A forum must have a reasonable level of openness to allow people o test ideas, gain knowledge, and, yes, to get misinformation corrected. That means alot of these untoward posts need to be allowed so conversations can start. Their challenge is determining when the discussions cross over into ego self-stroking and othe pointless argument. Then they must have the courage and determininatiin to close threads and, more rarely, ban repeat offenders.

Not many forums have moderators possessing thesecharecteristics. Those that do tend to be very useful and can be trusted more than what one might otherwise expect.

Dave Hoback
12-17-2016, 10:53 AM
This is so very true! What has been apparant on several forums is moderators who protect certain members for for this or another reason. It's one thing when another member comes to the aid. It's disgraceful when a moderator does this and shows bias. But it is human nature to be sucked into an emotional situation involving a familiar.

12-19-2016, 02:09 PM
And yet you're the one trolling HIM over here? Why bring this trash to our site? Closed.