View Full Version : F Class Rules question

Texas Solo
11-13-2016, 11:03 AM
My club has grown to where we can host "sanctioned" NRA matches. To date, all of our matches have been NRA "approved".
Thus far, all matches have had all shooters grouped together...T/R or Open. It's a great group of guys and I enjoy the game, but it gets a little old when you can predict who will get the trophies before the match even begins.

So here's the question:
Is the use of classifications mandatory in sanctioned matches, given there enough shooters to form a class?
How many shooters does it take to form a class?

I asked this of the NRA competitions divisions, but never received a reply.

Thanks for any insight.

11-14-2016, 11:02 AM
What is needed is a bigger umbrella. So maybe they could just add more category's and trophy's.
Like the who tried the hardest to win award.
The talk the talk award
Most improved shooter award.
Most likely to become the most improved shooter award.
Best mismatched socks award.
Wife bakes the best cookies award.
The word (wife), could be replaced with the word (provides), and maybe not be as offensive.
Probably lots more great suggestions might be found in a copy of
The Modern handbook for teaching public education. lol

11-14-2016, 12:53 PM
Texas just keep everything separate when the scores are submitted to the NRA. Open and T/R are separate even if only one person shot. What you do on a local level is entirely up to the group.

Texas Solo
11-14-2016, 04:58 PM
What is needed is a bigger umbrella. So maybe they could just add more category's and trophy's.
Like the who tried the hardest to win award.
The talk the talk award
Most improved shooter award.
Most likely to become the most improved shooter award.
Best mismatched socks award.
Wife bakes the best cookies award.
The word (wife), could be replaced with the word (provides), and maybe not be as offensive.
Probably lots more great suggestions might be found in a copy of
The Modern handbook for teaching public education. lol

Thank you so much that uninformative and useless reply.
I guess you've never heard of Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, Master or High Master classifications.
NRA has them established for a reason.
It was legitimate question. If you have nothing constructive to reply with, please don't.

Texas Solo
11-14-2016, 05:01 PM
Texas just keep everything separate when the scores are submitted to the NRA. Open and T/R are separate even if only one person shot. What you do on a local level is entirely up to the group.

I get your point. But my question would be what's the point of NRA issuing classifications if they're not used in matches?

11-14-2016, 05:17 PM
They use them at bigger matches where you have enough people in each class to warrant having a class.. Our local match usually has about 6-10 F-Open shooters and we all shoot in one class instead of F-Open (HM) then F-Open (M) and so on... Maybe this link can help you... Page 4 I think...


Texas Solo
11-14-2016, 05:34 PM
They use them at bigger matches where you have enough people in each class to warrant having a class.. Our local match usually has about 6-10 F-Open shooters and we all shoot in one class instead of F-Open (HM) then F-Open (M) and so on... Maybe this link can help you... Page 4 I think...


I've read that many times, section 19 (page 60) simply says that shooters will move up a class if there is an insufficient number of folks to form a class. I got that.
The original question remains:
Given that there ARE enough shooters, is the use of classifications mandatory in a sanctioned match?
Simple question...yes or no?

11-14-2016, 06:00 PM
As far as the NRA is concerned for local matches the answer is no because all they have in the match is the
scores. Trophies, awards or prizes given out on the local level are just that. I shoot in sanctioned local matches all year and we are squaded up not by rankings but which target face we will shoot at. So the real answer is no it is not mandatory.

11-14-2016, 06:56 PM
Glad your club is growing so well Tex. Earl39 said it best but cowtownup said it to.

If you get 25 in one class but 11 in another, some of the 25 will end up shooting beside the 11.

How many Targets do you guys have. You should try make it down to Bayou Rifles some time. Here is a link to the calander.
300 and 600 every other month and 1000 ever month. I'm thinking you have heard of TSRA. This is now their home range, the have their own championship and points system. You will meet some phenomenal people shooters and gunsmiths there.

Texas Solo
11-14-2016, 07:39 PM
If you get 25 in one class but 11 in another, some of the 25 will end up shooting beside the 11.

300 and 600 every other month and 1000 ever month. I'm thinking you have heard of TSRA. This is now their home range, the have their own championship and points system. You will meet some phenomenal people shooters and gunsmiths there.

Understood. Who we shoot beside is not an issue. I don't care if I'm beside a .223 or a 6.5. I shot beside Speedy Gonzalez last match.
Perfect score! 450/450. 37(?) X Squading wasn't part of the question.

Have thought many times of making the trek to Bayou. It's about 3 hours. Would love to do it for the experience. I've tried a few times to get some guys together to share the ride and hotel expenses, but it just hasn't come together yet. Thanks.

Thank you also to Cowtowm/ Earl 39 for the most direct, simple answers.

11-14-2016, 07:53 PM
No problem.. This is my first year of F-class and everytime I show up I'm just looking to get some wind reading skills... That is by far the biggest learning curve for me.... I'm a speedy gonzalez as well.. I'm done with 20 shots in 5 minutes tops....

Texas Solo
11-14-2016, 08:17 PM
No problem.. This is my first year of F-class and everytime I show up I'm just looking to get some wind reading skills... That is by far the biggest learning curve for me.... I'm a speedy gonzalez as well.. I'm done with 20 shots in 5 minutes tops....

Learning wind reading is the hardest thing for me to learn. Been at it 4 years now and I'm only marginal.

Not sure if you were joking, but I meant the actual Thomas "speedy" Gonzalez. As in Benchrest Hall of Fame. He has a shop here in S.A.
He recently cut me a new chamber and sorted out issues I was having with my ammo. Great shooter & great guy. 450/450 37x. Yeah....he won!
Search for his FB page.

11-14-2016, 08:41 PM
If you go to Bayou load 60 plus sighters. They don't play that 45 shot game. Wish they did.

Texas Solo
11-14-2016, 08:57 PM
If you go to Bayou load 60 plus sighters. They don't play that 45 shot game. Wish they did.

Just curious...why not 60rds? I always keep 100 rds ready to go, so no biggie for me.

11-14-2016, 09:14 PM
Sorry, I meant to say they shoot for 600 possible score not 450.

11-15-2016, 03:32 PM
LOL... I thought you meant he shot fast...

11-15-2016, 04:37 PM
Thank you so much that uninformative and useless reply.
I guess you've never heard of Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, Master or High Master classifications.
NRA has them established for a reason.
It was legitimate question. If you have nothing constructive to reply with, please don't.

Wow... is it painful when you get your panties in a wad that tight?

11-15-2016, 06:16 PM
We all have our days brother. Regrettably mine is 5 days a week.