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View Full Version : Desire for Thmb Hole Laminated Stock witih Blind Mag with Bottom Bolt release Action

11-03-2016, 09:10 PM
So far I am running into the problem that they come with the mag well and you have to get the part (Boyds)

I could go EABCO but not happy with all the work I had to do (I know what I would do now so still a possibility.

Does anyone make a Laminated Thumb Hole stock that allows the bottom bolt release with a blind Magazine?

I don't plan on putting anything in the hole except a filler, I single load and shoot and its not ever going to change.

Action is a 116.

11-05-2016, 07:27 AM
Would it be easier to just get a blind mag stock and make clearance for the bottom bolt release? I have one I'm not using but it's for a short action so it wouldn't help you. I hear Boyd's if having some problems filling orders right now, but I was happy with the quality of the stock I recieved from them.

The Coach
11-05-2016, 11:43 AM
I hear Boyd's if having some problems filling orders right now, but I was happy with the quality of the stock I recieved from them.
FWIW - My custom Pro Varmint arrived 3 weeks ahead of their projected delivery schedule.

Nor Cal Mikie
11-05-2016, 02:40 PM
The top bolt release mounts on the right side of the action next to the trigger so the only difference should be that the release lever comes out the bottom, rather than the top??
Never had my eyes on a bottom release so I'am just guessing.

11-05-2016, 03:18 PM
That what I am tying to sort out. Great sale and no regrets but the bottom release thing seems to lock you into certain setups.
I had not expected that.

Mostly I am after a more solid stock and the bottom cutout is a weak point.

Blind stock choices are limited to the better top bolt release , and.....

11-05-2016, 06:35 PM
you can go with a top bolt release, blind mag model and modify it for bottom bolt release easily enough. There will be a small area on top, in front of the bolt handle that will be relieved for the tbr release, it can be filled with various putties and/or epoxies and cleaned up nicely. I am sure its something most any simple minded engineer could handle (THat was a joke)

11-05-2016, 07:04 PM
you can go with a top bolt release, blind mag model and modify it for bottom bolt release easily enough. There will be a small area on top, in front of the bolt handle that will be relieved for the tbr release, it can be filled with various putties and/or epoxies and cleaned up nicely. I am sure its something most any simple minded engineer could handle (THat was a joke)

Thank you, I am certainly a simple minded engineer!

Would this setup work? I think so but would like confirmation . time is not an issue.


That said, I was not eager to jump into a complicated mess (I have more than enough of those going at work!) . this is supposed to be fun. I can do basic wood work so that sounds doable.

11-06-2016, 02:05 AM
Would this setup work?

Yes it would. The mag well opening is slightly larger on this stock being for a SF design.
The bolt spacing is the same.
One other thing you may be modifying on the stock is the trigger guard cut-out.
The BBR trigger guard is wider and sits deeper in stock around front action screw.
I have a BBR action in a TBR stock and use a regular trigger guard.
To remove the bolt I must remove trigger guard.
The TG can be modified slightly to have access to use a small tool to push lever for bolt release.
I just haven't progressed that far yet.

Nor Cal Mikie
11-06-2016, 09:39 AM
From the looks of that stock from Boyd's, that's what you want.

("Mostly I am after a more solid stock and the bottom cutout is a weak point")
I think you'll find that the cut out isn't a weak spot unless you plan on using your stock as a club!!
And even then, I see no issues.
Laminated wood is pretty tough stuff. You'll know for yourself if you ever have to carve on one.
Out of my 10/12 or so stock SF stocks, never an issue with the cut out or any other part of them.

11-06-2016, 02:26 PM
Oddly I have not really found out how tough Laminate is. I have done some work on them, opened up the barrel channel on the Boyds and the same with the EABCO (I wanted the stock so went with the Varmint barrel contour and opened it up myself as there was a wait for the Bull Chanel to get done) ,.

Took heavy grit sand paper but was nice to work with as it did the work fast.

I had to do some relieving on on the EABCO, dremil work for the most part and did fine.

I like how imperious they are reported to be as well as the look. Plastic just does not do it for me.

Still my goal is as stiff a stock as I can get so the blind seems to fit the bill well.

The small work does not bother me, major project gets to shucking it off on my brother who does like to work on that stuff.

Nice to be able to confirm its not a major deal and go through with it.

Nor Cal Mikie
11-06-2016, 09:00 PM
If you want it "stiffer", think about adding a V Block to mount the action too. Metal to metal contact and repeatable every time you take it off and reinstall it.

Lee in Texas
11-11-2016, 01:52 AM
If you want to experiment with modifying a stock, I have this:


The rifle is now in a benchrest stock. Savage large shank single shot. DevCon in action bedding area. Will need some mods, but it could be your proof-of-concept prototype. If you like the results, you could just paint it.

It's cheap. Cheap enough that we could talk low cost trades.

11-11-2016, 04:11 PM
Thank you, I did get the Boyds ordered.

That's one beautifully done stock.

Will send PM

11-16-2016, 01:08 PM
Boyds came in, about 1 week. Overall pretty good, not up to the BTH111 I got on the sued Savage but good enough. Some rought spots, mill out is nicely done.

11-18-2016, 12:31 PM
Ok, the 116 is now in the Boyd's Thumb Hole, fit is good on the receiver.

The barrel channel is more a (barely) varmint or heavy hunter not the Bull that it was ordered as.

Good news is the bull was a max possible, The barrels this one will see are pencil or the Varmint and I can open it up if needed latter.

Trigger guard as expected did not fit, I have a stainless (blink) ordered and I can swap the trigger back and forth between the 111 and the 116.
Definitely not impressed with the plastic trigger, its actually cranked though fully functional.

I just filled in the hole for the magazine with a piece of wood. I single load so its just fine. I can order hardware for that latter if desired.

The stock took a longer front action screw than was with my 116 stock, not unexpected.

Good news was the EABCO (nice) stock came with a screw I did not need but worked perfectly for this one that did need it (good to have parts, I also have a 1.5 backup spring now as well) could have worked that out but nice not to have to go to the hardware store or stacked washers on one I had. That is a close fit getting good grip and not interfering with the bolt.

I ordered a top bolt release sear from Savage using the top release from my other gun with acu trigger for the SN. Waiver is on the way and so will the sear when that gets back to them.