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07-27-2016, 10:09 AM
..screaming and kicking .

Yesterday Maw handed me a small box.

What's that?
"A phone"
I already have a phone, its setting on the desk.
"Its a smart phone "
I don't need a smart phone, a dumb one would be better.
"Yes you do"
No I don't.
"You can do a lot with it"
I don't want to do a lot with anything, I want to do as little as possible with everything.
"But now I can call you when you're away"
The very reason I didn't have one before.
"Its good to have in an emergency. What would you do if your truck broke down?"
I hang a white flag out and go to sleep.
"What if you were attacked"
"On what?"
If its a man or a women
"What if it was a man"
He would have a very bad day
"What if it was a women?"
I'd might have a very good day!
"You might be able to use it for some of you're gun stuff"
I have plenty of targets, don't need annuder
So now I've arrived for better..... or worse!


07-27-2016, 10:25 AM
Welcome to the insanity!

Texas Solo
07-27-2016, 10:27 AM
I feel your pain Bill. But so far, I'm still holding out. I have a cell phone....it's a flip phone.
I'm covered for emergencies, can receive & send a text, even have a few pics in it.
What more do I need?
I don't need GPS, I know where I'm at.
I don't need the internet, I have that right here.
I don't accidentally butt call people.
I can block people I don't like from calling. (great feature!)
I already have an alarm clock.
I don't need "apps".

07-27-2016, 10:55 AM
I fought the smart phone thing for a long time, but gave up when they quite making tough flip phones and got a cheap android. I have to say it is very useful for killing time! Other then that the only thing I like about it is it kills the battery in a couple of hours and I don't have to hear it ring.

07-27-2016, 10:56 AM
Arrgh... fighting it... trying not to... BUT

it's 21ST Century, NOT the 21th Century... Your Smartphone would have caught that most likely!!!


..screaming and kicking .

Yesterday Maw handed me a small box.

What's that?
"A phone"
I already have a phone, its setting on the desk.
"Its a smart phone "
I don't need a smart phone, a dumb one would be better.
"Yes you do"
No I don't.
"You can do a lot with it"
I don't want to do a lot with anything, I want to do as little as possible with everything.
"But now I can call you when you're away"
The very reason I didn't have one before.
"Its good to have in an emergency. What would you do if your truck broke down?"
I hang a white flag out and go to sleep.
"What if you were attacked"
"On what?"
If its a man or a women
"What if it was a man"
He would have a very bad day
"What if it was a women?"
I'd might have a very good day!
"You might be able to use it for some of you're gun stuff"
I have plenty of targets, don't need annuder
So now I've arrived for better..... or worse!


07-28-2016, 09:48 AM
This just made my morning....LOL

08-01-2016, 02:44 AM
Halarious! I love this post! Lol
Just think Bill, you can respond to messages on this forum when youre out stuck in your truck 😉