View Full Version : Comparison of the ballistic superiority of 6.5 CM

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07-19-2016, 11:39 AM
Gotcha, it's vortex vyper pst 6-24

07-19-2016, 04:46 PM
Yeah test it and call if it's off. The PST should be on. Mine was dead on.

07-19-2016, 05:04 PM
Yeah I just always thought her rifle was just smokin fast. I would be at the range just scratching my head. Im dialing to 3.2 and she is down around 1.7 and Im thinking **** how is that possible. I asked that question to different people several times and got lots of answers. Like its a different gun, different brass, different lot of barrel etc etc so I just started thinking it was accurate. I own 4 or 5 pst's and they all seem good so I just never doubted what she was dialing. The earliest Ill be able to do a tall target test will be two weeks.
We are going to Missouri to shoot some long range steel this weekend. I also have a savage 6.5 CM and use 42.8 gr of h4350 and only get 2867 out of it but its factory barrel also. And after shooting it this past weekend I think it looks like I was getting pressure signs.

07-19-2016, 05:48 PM
Put her scope on your rifle, rezero and dial on your data and see what happens. Will quickly tell you if there is an issue if your known data for your rifle isn't right.

07-19-2016, 09:43 PM
1 Mil at 100 yards = 9.14 cm = 3.6"
1 Mil at 100 meters = 10 cm = 3.93"

07-23-2016, 05:04 PM
Like I said I wasnt going to have time to do the test on that scope because I was hurrying to work up a load for my daughters 243. She was shooting 70 gr smk's and I moved her up to 107 smks and did a quick ladder test around a "known accuracy load" albeit a short cut I did come out with what I think is a nice load.

HOWEVER. This was a very limited test because I didnt have very many samples to test. I got a MV from the magnetospeed with a SD of like 7.5 so ok pretty good. I put everything into the ballistics calculator and came up with a drop sheet. All current conditions etc. I wanted to test the round out to 300 but didnt have any left. I shot the remaining 6 that were .3 gr more powder. The calculator said the drop was .6 so I dialed it, also a vortex vyper, and it hit quite low. By measurement it would have needed about 1.0 to hit center.

The actual mv measured was like 2850 average and if I "trued" the MV It would drop it down to 2560. Now I know it was a different load at 300 but I couldnt imagine there being 4 tenths of a mil difference when the powder is only .3gr different. I think I have another defective scope or maybe my magneto speed is wrong. This will require more testing. Im going to bring both drop sheets to the long steel range tomorrow and we will see which one is closest for the time being.

07-23-2016, 08:40 PM
try resetting your phone...sounds like you have some over lapping or conflicting info.

07-24-2016, 11:08 AM
LR, thats a really good point. We are going to print out drop sheets for all three rifles today before heading out. I could simply have something checked on mine that is not checked on the others like use zeroing weather or something like that. I sure hope its that simple and not a couple jacked up scopes. Funny thing is hers has been just a little bit off from day one thats why I believed the CM to be a much better cartridge. Also the lightweight 243 was also a lot closer than the heavy. The very last thing that plays a part in all this is distance. My range finder could be off as well. This whole time we may be shooting at a distance that is not true. Its a vortex range finder. I forget which model. The cheapest one that I know.
We may not go to the long range , range today, maybe back to my lease. Its supposed to be 95 with heat index of 105 so I dont know if I want to spend 3 hours total on the road to be miserable. If we stay home and go to our lease I may try the tall target test.

07-24-2016, 03:51 PM
I had an app issue when I first switched to the 6mm...I'm not sure what it was but I ended up deleating all the info out of shooter resetting my phone re-entering all the info and it's been spot on again...if I had to guess I'd say the 6.5mm and 6mm info were conflicting with each other.

07-24-2016, 04:54 PM
I cant find the original MV numbers for the CM so Im taking the magnetospeed this evening. With out the original numbers I cant even compare it with another calculator.

when you say re set your phone, do you mean the entire phone or just the ballistic program?

07-24-2016, 05:13 PM
The entire phone.....but restart not reset...my bad...with the phone in sleep mode push the sleep/wake button and the home button at the same time and hold...phone will turn off...keep holding until the phone turns back on then release the buttons.

07-24-2016, 09:08 PM
Ok I re measured her MV and came up with 2756 but had to set it back to 3042 to work with the scope.

I was looking at her rifle and the front scope cover was pretty hard to get on. Its one of the new vortex defender covers. I really had to stretch it out and oil it a little to get it between
the rail/forend and the scope. So there for It could have regained its elasticity and put some upward torque on the front end of the scope. I pulled it off and it was stuck in there pretty darn tight. I know any forces on the scope can throw it off and hers was the only one that was so difficult to get on. I really didn't give that much weight when I was looking for possibilities. I am going to cut the cover to fit over the scope without having to go under it for the time being. Cheaper than buying taller rings for the time being.

What effects on drop data would you think that little bit of force could have on things? My line of thinking was, well it is being forced UP so it doesn't take as much elevation on the turret to hit the target and the only resolution the computer can make is the bullet must be faster.

After we kick this can a little the next step is to do like LR said and erase and re enter. I went through and took off all the little extras. It automatically changes the MV based on the powder temp. Once that is done the first time. If you don't enter the temp every time you go shoot, your dope will be off. I'm not even sure how to shut that little gem off.

opinions PLEASE

07-24-2016, 09:30 PM
What app are you using

07-24-2016, 09:54 PM
Strelok pro. I just compared the outcome with the software on vortex and they come out with the same numbers based on the same starting MV

07-24-2016, 10:20 PM
I'm confused here...how about posting all your data...drops at what ever range your talking about, MVs from both rifles,bullets from both rifles...even if the scope is broken and you have a MV 2750 you shouldn't have to add 300fps to your app to adjust the MV to be close to your actual drops...none of this makes any sense.

another thing to do is put the scope in question back to its mechanical zero and then re-zero at 100yds.

07-25-2016, 08:14 AM
Ok I read your post this morning. I took pics of the original drop before truing and after. I agree. something aint right. because two out of three rifles we just had to measure mv put in the drop. Make slight tweak and on the money. This one not so.

07-25-2016, 08:15 AM
depending on my schedule today. Ill get the pics uploaded to photobucket and on here as soon as time permits

07-25-2016, 09:24 AM
this is mv that was measured plus drop info

07-25-2016, 09:30 AM
this is "trued" mv and drop info. This was what was put in to make the scope adjustments work

07-25-2016, 09:32 AM
Lastly this is pic of the rifles I took out last night. the first one is the CM. Notice how the front cap is cockeyed and trust me its jammed in there.