View Full Version : Future of powders we use in doubt?

05-22-2016, 09:18 AM
Below I've posted a link to another forum where there is a discussion regarding the source of the powders we use, current production, and possible future issues with production.

Lot's of interesting information for US manufacturer (Ball powders only) and why extruded is not made stateside, where others are made, and possible future issues with manufacture of propellants from an EPA (or European counterpart) EC REACH programme standpoint.

Long story short, lot's of hazardous chemicals used in manufacture of propellants and where possible, less hazardous methods will be employed eventually, and that of course will change the characteristics of the individual powder and no doubt cause some to become obsolete.

Anyway, good information.

With apologies for posting a link to the competition;

05-22-2016, 09:29 PM
Interesting. Using the EPA (or equivalent) to shut down powder production thus no more reloading. Reopen with the new powders BUT with regulations that may slow or stop purchase of commercial ammo AND stop reloading.

05-22-2016, 09:31 PM
I see the new Enduron powders are touting how they are not harmful to the environment,whatever that means.

05-23-2016, 03:28 AM
Looks like an ad wrapped up in an article.
Pretty sure IMR is made in Canada,so we should be stylin

05-23-2016, 09:14 AM
I see the new Enduron powders are touting how they are not harmful to the environment,whatever that means.

Exactly 243. This is an example of the market driving the changes, although only ball powder is made stateside because the process to manufacture it is much more friendly to those who work in the plant as well as the environment.

In THIS country, I feel there's no doubt that many types of powders will continue to be available simply due to the size of the market and the strength of voters. But in less gun friendly countries, there'll probably be more significant changes in availability in the years ahead.

Here is a link to Hogdon's MSDS page. IMR is indeed made in Canada.
