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View Full Version : !st Round HIt at 1118yds with alarm system

05-13-2016, 02:17 PM
Stock LRP in 260 HS Stock. 130gr Berger. BSA Tactical Scope. @ 1118yds.
Alarm system Ive made doing its job. Direct hits activates alarm which flashes LED for 15 seconds then reactivates itself. It resets itself after 15 seconds. IMHO the systems really comes into use anything past 1100.



Heres the alarm system. You can put the 12v battery anywhere you need it to be.
Im using two 7.2Volts Ni Hy batteries in series to bring the voltage upwards of 15V. The LED and module can handle the voltage. High voltage, low amperage. The LED light shines real brite at higher voltage. That....and the batteries are cheap and rechargeable,small and portable

05-13-2016, 04:45 PM
Nice shooting and nice system.

05-13-2016, 04:48 PM
Also, how did you get the video to upload. Not trying to hijack thread. Just simple how to paragraph would be nice. Been trying to upload a shooting video with no luck. My YouTube doesn't work either

05-13-2016, 08:00 PM
I had similar problems uploading, more so with facebook.
I finally got off my butt and got my own channel thru Youtube. Once I created it, its a breeze to upload. Either thru my HD camcorder or my Samsung Galaxy tablet. I wish I had "real" editing software to do a much better job on my videos but I guess there good enuff to get the job done. I don't trust myself. If I get software Ill just kick off a hole new and different hobby and seeing as how Im OCD?........theres no telling when it will stop. Id rather spend my time and money on shooting and reloading.

05-13-2016, 09:00 PM
Nice shooting Eddie...I'll get out next weekend and set up the light at 1400 and see if I can light it up.

05-13-2016, 09:58 PM
Nice shooting Eddie...I'll get out next weekend and set up the light at 1400 and see if I can light it up.

Now your talking. Get-er-dun Dave.
I sure wish the round trip to the canyon I shoot distance at wasn't so far away. Between that and the ruff unpaved road to get there has played havoc on my trucks suspension.