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View Full Version : Fluting bear hunter bolt

03-19-2016, 08:44 AM
Hi guys, once again I turn to the pros. I have a savage bear hunter 116 that I have been customizing. I'd like to flute the bolt. There is a finish on the smooth bolt body that gives and almost checkered appearance. I'm not sure of the terminology of it. My question is, can I flute that bolt body? Will it appear odd looking with that finish on it? The savage logo is printed on it as well, is there someway to take that off or will that look weird if I flute through it. Anyone have experience with this? All comments are welcome. Thank you, bobby

03-19-2016, 02:16 PM
probably would be easier just to buy a fluted bolt


03-20-2016, 04:41 AM
You can have it fluted for 40% the cost of that new bolt......I'm not sure about removing the lapping marks on your current bolt though... might look cool but from a functionality stand point it wont hurt anything to flute it and leave the lapped look. . And you always have the option to use a paint ... and alot of people who flute bolts will offer a finish option also.