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View Full Version : Missing gorilla

02-21-2016, 09:50 PM
Fellow woke up one morning in his second story bedroom, looked out the window, and lo and behold, he sees a very large gorilla in the tree outside of his bedroom window. His first reaction is to call the local zoo, and immediately learns it did indeed have a missing gorilla and someone would be right over to take care of it.
It was no more than 10 minutes, the doorbell rings, to which he answered. Standing before him was a short, portly older man, holding an old rusty Savage shotgun in one hand, a rather long heavy wooden pole in the other, a pair of handcuffs clipped to his belt, and a rather beaten looking, half toothless hound dog standing at his side.
Upon asking what he wanted, the response was that he was there to take care of the gorilla. Quite stunned, and expecting a bit more cavalry to remedy the situation, the homeowner inquired as to how in the world he would be able to capture a creature twice his size and four times as strong. The portly man explained.
"You are going to hold the handcuffs and the shotgun. I am going to climb the tree and get close enough with this long pole to poke and pry the gorilla's hands from the tree limbs. He will loose his balance, fall to the ground, and ol' yeller here has been trained to immediately run over, and bite him quite hard on his privates. The gorilla will immediately grab himself in great pain. All you have to do is walk over, slap the cuffs on him, and he will be rendered harmless so I can return him to the zoo."
The homeowner, with reservation, agrees to help out, but asks " OK, I see what to do with the handcuffs, but what the heck is the shotgun for?"
The old man, with a slight grin says
"Just in case the gorilla grabs my pole here and knocks me out of the tree, be sure to shoot that **** dog."

02-22-2016, 06:26 PM
First time ive heard the gorilla version of that. But the poor dog has been shot lots of different times. lol

02-24-2016, 04:08 PM

02-24-2016, 07:46 PM
That Gorilla must have gotten away and then showed up on the International Space Station chasing astronaut Mark Kelly around the station.