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View Full Version : Vendor review thread

01-16-2016, 07:43 PM
Almost seems as though we are dealing with the US government.
If you have been really screwed over by a vendor, take it up with he vendor. Don't try to post it here or you will be exonerated from the forum, whether you "paid" for the right to express the opinion or not.
Don't try to warn your friends in the shooting sports about some unscrupulous "vendors" that just can't seem to get their act together. And there are plenty of them.
Let them find out for themselves, after they have been ripped off the same as you.
I fail to see the connection in this train of thought and what we try to establish as "friendships" among the shooting community.
I will not mince words in stating that I was ripped off by Glades Armory and will not recommend them to anyone who might be interested in their products.
Nuff said

01-17-2016, 06:07 AM
You're fairly new here so you don't know the long history of problems of unsubstantiated vendor bashing that led to us implementing that rule. This board allows a place for such discussions so long as they're kept rational and reasonable as outlined in the sticky. Legitimate complaints are welcome if presented in a mature and dignified manner, but irate rants filled with wild accusations will not.