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View Full Version : The Nikon on 11 TH XP

12-29-2015, 10:54 PM
Is the Nikon that comes on the 11 trophy hunter XP still the Prostaff model? I understand it doesn't say it on on the scope but from research it seems that the concensus was that in 2012 it was the Prostaff.

12-30-2015, 01:21 AM
I've had a few of those package Nikons. They are decent. Far better than any other package scope I have ever seen. I truly doubt they are Prostaffs, though. I would think they would make a point to say so if it was.

12-30-2015, 02:02 AM
I agree that they should say exactly which model it is but they don't say anything to guide you on what it is actually. The truth is it looks exactly like the prostaffs, beside the print not being on them. I looked up an old thread on here and everyone seems to think it's the Prostaff model but I want to be careful labeling it that because I have two of them I'm going to be selling off of guns that are being shipped to me. I ordered the 11 TH XP and the 11 predator hunter in 6.5 CM. I don't have anything against Nikon (in fact I really liked my last one) I just have switched over to ffp and milradian scopes so these aren't what I want. I see them as a way to recoup some cost. I see people on eBay selling savage take offs as Prostaffs. I'm not saying your wrong or right I am however leaning more toward them actually being prostaffs because it kind of seems like no other Nikon scope besides the prostaffs look like them aesthetically. I'll have to see if there is a sku number or something I can dig up on them. I guess I'm wondering if anyone one here can say 100% factually that they are or they aren't that model.

01-19-2016, 01:15 PM
I had trouble with the one with my wife's Trophy Hunter and when discussing it with Nikon support he referred to it as a Savage package scope. I replaced it with a Prostaff and they are different. Mostly the turret adjustments. I have several Prostaffs and none of mine are like it.Someone at th eLGS said it's just the earlier models that Nikon didn't sale before changing the model. Not sure if that is true or not but he claimed it was the same as an older Prostaff he owns.

01-19-2016, 01:25 PM
Just label it as a Nikon 3x9x40 BDC scope.

01-19-2016, 06:50 PM
Just label it as a Nikon 3x9x40 BDC scope.

This....that's what Savage calls it anyway on their site.

I have wondered the same thing though and came to the conclusion it was a special scope for package rifles. It doesn't match any pictures of Prostaffs I find online.