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View Full Version : FCP-K .308 at 100 and 300 yards yesterday

Joe L
11-25-2015, 04:27 PM
I am a pistol shooter primarily, but I do own one bolt gun, a .308 FCP-K in an XTR chassis. I don't shoot it much, but, when I do, I am reminded how good a rifle it really is. Here is a very short video from yesterday.


I let this rifle go too long without a good barrel cleaning. Cleaned it up a few weeks ago, fired 10 rounds through it last week with good results, then 20 yesterday, a cold bore (but not clean) shot at 100 then went to 300. Fired 10 rounds and the groups homed in on the card, then shot 4 at card 3 shown in the video, then went back to the 100 yard target for the last 5 rounds. So, it took about 20 rounds to foul enough to stabilize. I think I'm good to go for 100-200 rounds now. I think. That means I'll clean it again in 2017 at the rate I shoot it, LOL.


11-27-2015, 01:17 AM
Ive done the same thing on some of my 223 gas guns. went too long between cleanings. Ive found that leaving in my solvent tank at the dearlership at work at with the house shoved in the barrel, and leaving it run for days does an excellent job all by itself. The solvent tank is a 50/50 mixture of solvent and transmission fluid.