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View Full Version : who uses/don't use hearing protection while hunting

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11-23-2015, 01:40 AM
I have a muzzle brake on my 300 win mag, so hearing protection is a must, i use the same orange plugs they use down at the shop, keep them around my neck until I am ready to shoot, havent had a deer or elk walk away while i was popping in the plugs yet.


11-24-2015, 12:32 PM
I've worn plugs hunting for years. Didnt when I was a kid, but had several shots go off close to my ears (nothing dangerous) by being near family member on hunts. I've worn them ever since.
I've got a set of the electronic muffs but haven't tried them hunting yet.
I highly recommend wearing ear protection. I wear it for nearly everything. Mowing, sawing, weed eater, etc...

12-01-2015, 06:32 PM
I don't use Ear Pro Hunting. But use it religiously while target shooting or practicing. Honestly I rarely had ear pro in while in the sandbox, and lost a lot of hearing in my right side because of it. But amazingly I have regained some hearing according to my hearing tests every year at the VA.

12-03-2015, 04:41 PM
I don't use hearing protection while hunting.

Now, I'm using suppressor with subsonic ammo. The 300BO is very quiet loaded subsonic with suppressor.

12-03-2015, 05:32 PM
I don't use hearing protection while hunting.

Now, I'm using suppressor with subsonic ammo. The 300BO is very quiet loaded subsonic with suppressor.

What is your range with the subsonic ammo?

12-04-2015, 09:56 PM
I abused my hearing most of my life, shooting, drag racing, , head banging concerts, etc...
I wear ear muffs or ear plugs for all the above now. I guess I still want to hear music (the milder type) when I grow older.

12-18-2015, 06:21 PM
This year I broke down and bought me a pair of in ear electronic hearing protection, it amps the sounds until the gun goes off and then it deadens the sound.
It was expensive at $300.00 but years and years of shooting and playing in a Southern Rock band have taken its toll on my hearing but I wish to keep what I have left. Tinnitus is awful.

12-18-2015, 06:29 PM
funny this thread popped up. My boss came in today and said hey check out what I got tossed me a pair of the caldwell muffs. I turned them on and took them to the shop grabbed an 2x4 an beat an i beam with it. I have to say I was impressed with the comfort and fit and how well I could hear the ambiant noise. Still not sold on wearing them for an all day sit, but might have to get a pair

12-19-2015, 12:26 PM
I wear ear muffs or ear plugs

I use both plugs and E-muffs( Radians Pro 23s) at the range. As a younger man I spent too many hours standing next to 300-400 inches w/open headers and shooting without ear protection. The ringing in my left ear isn't bad but I don't want it to get any worse if I can help it. Even mowing grass, weed whacking and in the shop depending on what I'm doing-using I use hearing protection.

I don't wear them when deer hunting where its typically one shot and done but at the range both plugs and muffs together always. I also require my son and grandsons use both and eye protection at the range. No eye-ear protection no shootie, they set in the truck or stay home! They don't care for them but in the future hopefully they'll thank Pop for being a mean contemptible old fart!


12-20-2015, 09:38 AM
Hearing already trashed,no protection while hunting but i do at the range.

02-11-2016, 09:17 AM
Between Vietnam, gunfire, explosions and aircraft engine noise on the flight line and being macho when I was younger shooting without hearing protection, I've paid the price and now have to wear hearing aids. I don't wear my hearing aids when hunting or shooting as recommended by my audiologist. I use electronic muffs at the range to protect what little hearing I have and left and in the field because they amplify sound making it easier for me to hear deer movement I never would have heard with out them.

02-11-2016, 03:09 PM
And I have to sleep with a fan a foot from my head to drown out the ringing..... Oh, maybe I'm the only one who does that...

02-14-2016, 12:09 PM
wandering what electronic ear plugs you all may have used, and or recommend

02-14-2016, 12:23 PM
Ive got a pair of the Caldwell electronic muffs. Caught em on sale at Cabelas a few months back for $20 ish. They seem to work well. I always wear plugs and muffs when Im shooting my rifles though. Theyre nice when talking to guys at the range and then shooting they cut out the sound.

02-16-2016, 07:37 PM
I dont like to wear plugs or miffs while hunting when others are around for safety reasons. I would rather not be shot, but I guess thats just preference. Any other time though, yes. If im hinting alone or just shooting i always at leat use a good pair of plugs.