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View Full Version : Ground squirrel hunting with my son

09-24-2015, 04:19 PM
Well I found a small compact scope in my Dads garage last month and I thought it would fit nicely on my sons Savage Rascal 22lr. I mounted and sighted it in for 50 yards. Took him out this morning before the heat turned on. We sat under some big scrub oaks facing a field full of squirrel mounds. Didn't think we would see much with the heat we had the last few days. But after sitting quietly for 10 minutes they started to come out. I was hoping for some close shots as my sons scope is a cheap 4x32. I tell him I see a pair at 97 yards thinking its gonna be too far for him. As it was the cross hair completely obscured the target at that distance. But since nothing else was showing up any closer I told him to take the shot as soon as they sit up. I whistled and one stood up before I can even ask my boy if he see's it, BANG, I see it go down with a whump sound. Not even a wiggle. Ok, was that luck. I point out #2 to him. He finds it and takes a shot. I see the squirrel jump and flop around. I thought he was dead but he gets up and runs a little trying to find his hole. He stops half way there and starts to rub his nose....or what was left of it. I tell my son he shot his nose off and he need to finish him. He fires again and it goes down and starts to do the funky chicken. My boy's grinning ear to ear at this point. After a little quiet spell, one squeak starts to slowly ease his way out of his hole 60 yards in front of my son. After what felt like 5 minutes of me trying to help him actually see the thing right in front of him, clear as day, he finally finds it and quickly dispatches it with a head shot. That was it for the day. It was just getting to **** hot. Rewarded him with some In-n-Out on the way home.


09-24-2015, 05:15 PM
Very nice. Love to see the next generation getting their feet wet.

big honkin jeep
09-27-2015, 10:17 AM
Cool, Thanks for passing it on.