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View Full Version : SK Scope Ring Trueing

08-29-2015, 03:05 PM
I have a set of SK Skulptured bases along with the rings and am wondering about the need for lapping the rings.

For those of you running the SK bases/rings, would you recommend lapping them or simply mounting them instead?

Btw, these are the nicest bases and rings I have ever ran across!



08-30-2015, 10:54 AM
It will depend on which SK scope ring you are using. Lapping scope rings is effective only when the ring is not removed after the lap job or before installing the scope. As I recall, the V1B model scope rings have to be removed to install the scope, thus disturbing the perfect ring-to-ring alignment achieved by lapping.

The other SK scope ring models are horizontal split-ring style rings, and thus the scope can be mounted without removing the base ring.

09-05-2015, 01:46 AM
I am using the rings that are split and need to be pushed over the scope body then the two sides are pushed into the bases.

Regarding the scope ring lapping, I think I found a way to get this done. I have another set of SK bases that I can place the rings into. I figured I could take the wheeler lapping bar and slide the rings on. Basically, I am using the ring base to rotate the rings around and lap them. Hopefully, it will work out okay.

