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View Full Version : New member from the UK

07-08-2015, 03:45 PM
My name is John and I collect firearms this side of the pond. I have an interest in Winchesters - 1895, 94 big bores, 54 and 70's - as well as Suhl rifle and shotguns, military revolvers, early semi-auto and pump action shotguns. I have only 4 Savage rifles which I like very much. They are a Model 23D, 34, 6c and 45 Super Sporter. My main problem in keeping these guns going is the difficulty of sourcing parts in the US due to the very restrictive legislation that has come into force. Anyway, it looks like a great forum. Thanks and all the best!

07-09-2015, 12:57 PM
Welcome aboard

07-10-2015, 12:25 PM
Glad you could join us. I often wonder what hoops you must jump through to be an avid gun enthusiast in the UK.

07-11-2015, 08:52 AM

07-11-2015, 09:22 PM

07-17-2015, 09:52 AM
Glad you could join us. I often wonder what hoops you must jump through to be an avid gun enthusiast in the UK.
Much is made of the onerous gun control systems outside the US. It depends what you're used to. Contrary to what people tell you we have a right to "bear arms" (so to speak) in the UK, but it is a qualified right. Just as you have the right to drive a car, but you must hold a driving license, so in the UK you must demonstrate "good reason" and suitability in law to possess a firearm. Uk law distinguishes between Section1 (rifles and shotguns with a capacity of over 3 shots), Section 2 (shotguns), Section 58 (obsolete) and Section 5 (forbidden). Section 1 needs "good reason", Section 2 does not. All Sections require suitability, this has recently changed as Section 58 (obsolete) had no requirements to possess attached to it. You can not own handguns here as they are Section 5. Yet you can own a two shot restricted handgun for humane dispatch - again you need to prove good reason to the police. You can also collect handguns under Section 7 of the Firearms Act. This allows you to keep certain calibres - deemed not commercially available - at home but you are not allowed any ammunition. If you do make or purchase ammo, the crime is punishable by up to 5yrs jail. Any questions ;-) It is certainly not the easiest of processes. We have to justify every rifle we want to add to our collection to the police. This can be hard work. In some respects it makes collectors this side of the pond much more hardcore than you guys who can just go into any shop and buy what you like. Our only advantage here is, our hunting seasons for deer allow us to hunt all year around. :-)
All the best John