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View Full Version : Suprise what i found in my trash bucket

04-10-2015, 09:11 PM
Found TWO Squirrels in the trash bucket has a layer on oil cans floating on water must have went in looking for food or what ever and took a SWIMMING LESSON AND FAILED the first lesson, when i find out who to upload some pictures will do so.
So sad to see that they failed the first lesson as on looked very blotted or preggers.

04-11-2015, 03:23 PM
A few years ago a skunk had taken up residence under my SIL's storage shed. My next door neighbor at the time was the local WCO so I asked him what was the best way to get the smelly bugger to go elsewhere, shooting it was out of the question. He said make it as uncomfortable as I could for it, put moth balls and ammonia around and under the shed. I dumped a few boxes of moth balls and sprayed a gallon of ammonia under it.

It worked. Two days later it was found floating in her next door neighbor's swimming pool.:p
