View Full Version : Colorado pot.

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05-28-2015, 08:12 PM
Guys, keep the politics out of it......

From the General Forum Rules: 4. Political posts and topics of any nature are strictly forbidden - no exceptions.

05-28-2015, 08:57 PM
Do you think we could have a political section added,, maybe by vote? Just an idea and I'd understand if folks wanted to keep the Forum the way it is, it has always been my favorite place to visit on the internet.

I also would like to apologize to the OP for derailing things.


05-28-2015, 11:26 PM
Here's my theory.
Pot + cash = Organize crime + guns. Are the local authorizes intentionally trying to put the wind up Colorado citizens and promote an increase is civilian gun sales ?

Myself and many others wouldn't agree with your theory. I guess this is the news you see in NZ. I can assure you it's a very deep subject, plus we have issues 10 fold larger than pot and Colorado. C

olorado's new laws have not promoted gun sales.

And I guess that's about as far as I can go with this subject as I do like this Forum.

I would love to live in Colorado for it's beauty. I usually vacation there. But their new found industry has nothing to do with my interest.

05-29-2015, 12:29 PM
I see zero advantage to introducing more of this crap into society. This country has become lazy enough without legal dope.

05-30-2015, 02:01 PM
Do you think we could have a political section added,, maybe by vote? Just an idea and I'd understand if folks wanted to keep the Forum the way it is, it has always been my favorite place to visit on the internet.

I also would like to apologize to the OP for derailing things.


When I first launched our non-brand specific sister site, GunsAfield.com over a year ago I included a dedicated board just for politics and 2nd Amendment stuff because I didn't want to inject that kind of stuff here and I thought some would appreciate having a place to discuss such things that wouldn't be heavily moderated. But alas, nearly no one here showed any interest in the sister site much less it's forum so I've eliminated the forum, stopped doing the daily news updates and basically just use it for a place to post my reviews of non-Savage firearms and firearm accessories these days.

05-30-2015, 03:41 PM
In my view alcohol is way more dangerous than pot.

And motorcycles are more dangerous than cars. That doesn't lessen the danger of you getting killed driving to work. Pot is bad, period. The fact alcohol is as bad or worse means nothing. So is falling of a roof.

05-30-2015, 08:41 PM
And motorcycles are more dangerous than cars. That doesn't lessen the danger of you getting killed driving to work. Pot is bad, period. The fact alcohol is as bad or worse means nothing. So is falling of a roof.

i agree...and ive fallen off a few roofs...been roofing for 31yrs...the fact is pot is coming and with the money involved you can not stop it...is it right? is it wrong? will it make our already lazy/entitled society lazier or more entitled? or dumber? i doubt it!!! it all started when we wanted better for our kids...im guilty...$500 dollar Christmases...$250 dollar birthdays...$20 bucks here $20 bucks there and DO NOTHING FOR IT!!!...if i wanted $20 bucks when i was a kid YOU WORKED for it!!!
i also remember getting my A$$ whipped for not addressing people as sir or mam...is it drugs(pot)that changed everything...NO!!!...it was wanting better for our kids!!
AND THE BIGGEST THING OF ALL...THE INTERNET!!! do i blame the internet for our problems???...NO!!! but it is a large part of societies problems...all the SH!T going on now was going on 20yrs ago BUT IT WASNT IN YOUR FACE LIKE NOW!!!....the rabbit hole is DEEP!!!

and are motorcycles more dangerous than cars??? YOU BET YOUR A$$ THEY ARE...because theres more STUPID people in the world!!!!

05-31-2015, 06:45 AM
will it make our already lazy/entitled society lazier or more entitled? or dumber? i doubt it!!!.................................

and are motorcycles more dangerous than cars??? YOU BET YOUR A$$ THEY ARE...because theres more STUPID people in the world!!!!

If stupid people are the cause of motorcycles being more dangerous than cars, what do you think will happen when they ingest pot? Will they suddenly become more intelligent?

05-31-2015, 02:00 PM
If stupid people are the cause of motorcycles being more dangerous than cars, what do you think will happen when they ingest pot? Will they suddenly become more intelligent?


05-31-2015, 03:09 PM
Notice how were talking more about these type issues, and the small percentage of blacks causing riots,
than we are about the roughly 25% of the Mexican population living here and stealing jobs?
Lets keep talking untill their all citizens.

05-31-2015, 04:44 PM
Lets keep talking untill their all citizens.

Don't worry, you won't have to talk for very long. The Hildabeast will have them all citizens before she finishes her first term. Then you can put a shovel to this country.