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04-10-2015, 04:48 PM
How about when all the candles on your birthday cake set off the smoke alarms in the house.

Or maybe when the candles get lit somebody has to get a 2nd match on standby because the first match goes out before they're all lit.

04-10-2015, 05:29 PM
When you go to the gym to workout and all the women are young enough to be your granddaughter.
When the candles on your cake create a layer of wax making the frosting uneatable.
When 50 year old women hold the door open for you.
When guys at the gym offer to take your weights back to the rack.
When one glass of wine renders you unable to drive till tomorrow.
When Metamucil is your go to cocktail.

04-10-2015, 08:20 PM
when you use to....
bench 485 for rep
dead lift 695 for reps
squat 720 for reps
and now can barely drag your a$$ outta bed.

04-13-2015, 07:30 AM
He!!, I know I'm old, I can remember 25 cent gas, nickel comic books and dime cokes!

04-15-2015, 10:02 AM
All good points above and all are true, unfortunately.

Last weekend my 30 year old son came over and I asked him, "What's in your hair?" I was embarrassed, but he has more gray hair than I do now.

I have very little gray, but my hair has really thinned out, not bald . . . yet.

Now my joints, when I go to a match, I look for a "Gun Caddy" wanting to make a few dollars. I am serious, I usually have one set up before the match. Carry the equipment and pulling targets, well my joints have had about all they can take. Osteoarthritis runs in my family, I have it in my back spinal canal, L5 area. All I can do is take care of it the best I can and watch my steps.

So im assuming you drive around the parking lot at shopping centers till you find a shopping cart to park next to?
I hate it when i cant find one. Im gonna steal one so i can get more excercise walking around the neiborhood.
Ill be 80 next week.

04-15-2015, 03:47 PM
So im assuming you drive around the parking lot at shopping centers till you find a shopping cart to park next to?
I hate it when i cant find one. Im gonna steal one so i can get more excercise walking around the neiborhood.
Ill be 80 next week.

Geeez buck,
I thought most of those neighborhoods in Vero had golf carts for the more mature residents?

80 yrs. old, eh?
My hat's off to ya young fella.

04-15-2015, 05:57 PM
Geeez buck,
I thought most of those neighborhoods in Vero had golf carts for the more mature residents?

80 yrs. old, eh?
My hat's off to ya young fella.

Actualy many of them do allow golf carts. Fact is some carts now are street legal for local use.
Dont know about other areas but thats the way it is here. But even the ones that arent are still
running around here on the neiborhood streets. Some time well have to meet for breakfast Frank.
Maybe brunch would be better lol.

04-16-2015, 06:37 AM
Well I hate to admit it but I remember 15 cent Wonder bread, 17 cent pack of Camels, and 17 cent gallon of reg. gas or how about 9 cent fuel oil.
When I could get in a tree stand after a mile or more hike in to get to it, now can't even walk into the woods, or driving to Florida and now it hurts to drive the 52 miles to the air port never mind the 3 hour flight.
The past few days I've been trying to clean the yard after the miserable winter we had and I am still maybe 2 days from finishing used to take me 3/4 of a day. wife peed off to say the least but after calling 3 different guys to do it and none show up I was pi$$ed and am doing it myself.
After 8 spine surgeries I probably should know better but wisdom does not have to come with age.
As I get older the only thing GOLDEN is my pee.

04-16-2015, 06:44 AM
Hey froggy-
It's no longer the "golden years".

It's more like rust.

And yobuck, lets try it one of these days. We now have a day nurse that comes in 6 hours a day to handle my pain in the *** mother in law's needs which relive me of many of my Frankie Nightingale duties. Allows me more range time and such.

You ever use the Indian River Co. range (Sebastian)? Might be a good place to meet and go from there.

04-16-2015, 08:51 AM
Hey froggy-
It's no longer the "golden years".

It's more like rust.

And yobuck, lets try it one of these days. We now have a day nurse that comes in 6 hours a day to handle my pain in the *** mother in law's needs which relive me of many of my Frankie Nightingale duties. Allows me more range time and such.

You ever use the Indian River Co. range (Sebastian)? Might be a good place to meet and go from there.

Ive been there a few times Frank but never shot there. Actually ive never fired a round in FL. Dont even have any guns here.
I dont shoot for group unless im working up a load or checking a zero. I practice on rocks on mountain sides, and other than those
huge trash mountains, there are none in FL. Do you live in Sebastion proper or out of town? Ill bring along some pictures so at least
you will know im at least not total b s lol.

04-16-2015, 06:03 PM
Negative on Sebastian.
I'm in the next county up (Brevard) in Palm Bay. Its about a 15 - 20 minute drive to the range even though I live 4 blocks from Port Malabar Pistol & Rifle Club. I like the guys & atmosphere at Sebastian better.
If I need long range shooting or hunting we go out to our swamp in Osceola.

No pictures required. Hell, I don't care if you throw rocks at targets.
I'd be more interested in pics of Pa. When I lived in NY I used to drive a truck from NYC / Long Island out to Lehigh Valley & Allentown. Absolutely beautiful scenery and hunting places.

04-17-2015, 07:03 PM
When I read these threads looking for validation I am old.


04-18-2015, 08:53 AM
When I read these threads looking for validation I am old.


And if youve got one of those handicap thingys hanging from your mirror youve admitted it.

04-18-2015, 08:59 AM
When your mother in law turns 90...

04-18-2015, 10:10 AM
When your mother in law turns 90...

Hooooolllyy Guacamole!!!
You mom in law turned 90?

You really are getting to be an old duffer.
You mom in law, on the other hand, is entitled to it. Anyone that makes past 80 with children and a few marriages behind them is entitled to anything they want.
If they can remember what they want.

04-19-2015, 03:24 PM
I understand that 60 is the new 40. Still have a ways to go.

04-19-2015, 04:05 PM
I understand that 60 is the new 40. Still have a ways to go.

Apparently my body is dyslexic then as it seems to think 40 is the new 60 some days.

04-19-2015, 05:07 PM
This happened to me.
I was walking through town when my hazy eyes registered a shapely figure which warranted further investigation.
It turned out I was eyeing up my own wife.

04-19-2015, 06:19 PM
73 the end of the month. My down ward sprial started in 2004 with a small stroke, 2005 seizures, 2010 prostate out cancer, 2012 hole in heart plugged, 2013 right knee cleaned out. I now have fungus on 2 toe nails. Cant't eat foods that contain gluten foods. Early 2004 I had a pedicure (wife purchased) the girl was showing my feet off to everyone. Not one callus today I have them all over and I have hammer toe. 2012 diagnosed with eczema now I get outbreaks and the skin just splits.
I do workout 4-5 days a week and am at times able to keep up with some of the 40 year olds. Ran 3.45 miles on the treadmill today and did a 30 minute weight routine. Trying to say around for my wife who is 9 yrs younger.
I want my old self back.

04-19-2015, 08:52 PM
73 the end of the month. My down ward sprial started in 2004 with a small stroke, 2005 seizures, 2010 prostate out cancer, 2012 hole in heart plugged, 2013 right knee cleaned out. I now have fungus on 2 toe nails. Cant't eat foods that contain gluten foods. Early 2004 I had a pedicure (wife purchased) the girl was showing my feet off to everyone. Not one callus today I have them all over and I have hammer toe. 2012 diagnosed with eczema now I get outbreaks and the skin just splits.
I do workout 4-5 days a week and am at times able to keep up with some of the 40 year olds. Ran 3.45 miles on the treadmill today and did a 30 minute weight routine. Trying to say around for my wife who is 9 yrs younger.
I want my old self back.

After reading that I feel like I have it pretty good.