View Full Version : What to call a shoot or match ?

02-24-2015, 02:15 PM
Our club here has been having what there refered to as F class matchs in the past.
Some shot from the bench,some from prone...Almost any caliber was allowed...
Basicly these are just fun shoots out to 250 yards with reduced bullseye targets..
And they were also NO SACTIONED...
IT is 20 shots in 30 minutes and there after cool down..another 20 rounds..making
a total of 40 rounds for score...
My idea is if we have them this year is to call them something like a high power rifle
shoot....And also use different targets..etc....No one at the club is able to come up
with anything and get together..So if they have them.I suppose it will be up to me
to run them again...I would greatly appreciate any idea on this..My goal it to make
a few dollars for the club..Thanks...

02-24-2015, 02:34 PM
How about an egg shoot? Twenty eggs per shooter, each shooter is allowed twenty bullets, in twenty minutes. At 250 yds. Whoever breaks the most eggs with twenty bullets, wins. Charge..$20 entry fee. $100 prize for first. $20/2nd, $10/3rd. Free omelets for the rest, after the shooting of course. You could call it....wait for it... An Egg Shoot! If it's within 150 miles I'm there!

05-24-2015, 03:44 PM
Are there cheese and mushrooms w/ the omelet?

05-24-2015, 09:07 PM
Is your range limited to 250yds? If not heres some of the events we have at our club
