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02-04-2015, 05:11 PM
I am sure you could, that doesn't make the statement any less true. Just a room full of people shooting farther than they should. I do take more than one round out because things do happen. I just try to minimize my misses instead of planning on missing.

If you want to hunt that way then have at it, it's your choice. I'm not against long range hunting by any means, just against those that are doing it when they are shooting beyond their abilities.

So im gathering here that the people i know who would be present in the room would be people over their heads with what their trying to do.
And anything they can get to help them like this scope for example, would be a big plus.
Whereas someone more ethicle would be expecting at least an 80% hit on the first round. Unless of coarse something unexpected happened causing a miss.
So in the event something unexpected did happen causing a miss, how many more bullets would an ethicle person like yourself be willing to shoot before you
might become an unethicle person say like me? And what makes you think id be satisfied with your 80% figure in the first place? Is a sighter shot a planned miss?
I think if were going to be discussing the ethics of shooting at animals at long distances, we need to be adressing the whole topic and not just
the segment that touches your hot button like how well a person can shoot assuming nothing happens.

02-04-2015, 09:36 PM
I am not a good enough tracker to risk a miss at any range. Sure as heck can't plan one.
One good thing about this system is it so expensive, few weekend warriors would actually spend the doe.

02-04-2015, 09:41 PM
Would 5 shots at a deer running accross an open field at 100 yds be unethicle?

I don't know. But if you were that close and gut shot it, at least you could follow it up with a kill shot and not have the thing die 3 days and 10 miles later from having its own **** in its bloodsteam. Personally, I've only taken one game animal with a rifle. One shot went lung-heart-lung, and the second shot went spine-brain-jaw. Total time from guaranteed kill shot to complete blackness was 3-4 seconds.

02-05-2015, 06:52 AM
All I did was make a statement about people shooting farther than their capabilities. Seems it was more your hot button as you sure got fired up quick. The 80% would include the crap that happens. I don't pull the trigger unless I am 100% confident in my shot. If something unexpected happens to cause the miss and am presented with another confident shot I will take it. If I missed and nothing strange happened then no I don't shoot again as something is either wrong with me or my setup.

So we can play "what if" all day or we can simplify it by taking ethics out, as it obvious differs from person to person, and go back to the original premise of my post. If you can't make reliable first shot hits on target then you are shooting farther than your abilities. plain and simple.

02-05-2015, 12:58 PM
Well Jaimie lets be honest with each other here. You know full well what your comments were intended to do.
None of us can ever be 100% sure of anything as it relates to shooting at animals.
I happen to know, not think, that (much) of the bad mouthing that goes on regarding shooting animals at long ranges
comes about thru lack of knowledge on the part of those making the comments.
That would (also) apply to hunters experienced in other forms of hunting and voicing an opinion on a subject they actualy know little about.
And i'll even go further by stating right here right now that even among those involved from different areas of the country,
dissagreement on technique can and does cause arguments.
Im not sure there would be enough desire or interest here for a serious full fledged debate on the subject of long range hunting.

02-05-2015, 01:49 PM
I don't know. But if you were that close and gut shot it, at least you could follow it up with a kill shot and not have the thing die 3 days and 10 miles later from having its own **** in its bloodsteam. Personally, I've only taken one game animal with a rifle. One shot went lung-heart-lung, and the second shot went spine-brain-jaw. Total time from guaranteed kill shot to complete blackness was 3-4 seconds.

Well congratulations on your first kill. I suggest you read the first 3 words of your own statement here. Because had you known, the second shot wouldnt have been necessary would it?
Be prepared because your next one just might not go as well. I can show you a few very nice racks of bucks ive killed that were crippled before i ever shot at them.
One in particular after having been traveling several days and several miles after being hit high thru the ribs with an 06. I''ll even introduce you to the very good hunter who originaly hit him and who was still attempting to catch up with him when i finished him.
Have you ever watched from almost a mile as some guy dropped a buck like a sack of rocks and have it slide down a steep hill in the snow and never even kick? And then run after the few other deer with it that ran when he shot? Well i have, and i'll tell you what, if we didnt go get the thing after the guy walked away it would have been like many others guys like that shoot, COYOTE FOOD.
We even renamed that location to stupid bush hunter hill.
Where are we going today? I dont know, maybe that stupid bush hunter will be back, lets go there. lol
We all have enough fingers to point in lots of directions including our own.

02-05-2015, 02:29 PM
I didn't want to track it or have it suffer. I thought it was a solid plan.

02-05-2015, 02:44 PM
Personally, whenever possible, I try to mortally wound them "just enough" to let them get just about as far as the truck, assuming they are heading towards the road when I shoot them!

02-05-2015, 03:11 PM
Expert level.

02-05-2015, 03:33 PM
The man not only has a B S degree, but also a P H degree. Lots of those around the hunting fraternity. lol.

02-05-2015, 04:29 PM
What's a P H degree?

wait... does that have something to do with urine?

02-05-2015, 05:13 PM
Well one could argue that its essentually the same as a P H D.
One just piles it higher (P H), and the other both higher and deeper (P H D). But as stated, for all practicle purposes their the same.
Im proud to say i have honerary degrees in both. Like many others today ive never actually earned much of anything.
But i can pass a common piss test.

02-05-2015, 06:24 PM
Man…..I am SO sorry I posted this item about the Tracking Point technology, I do apologize for all the commotion that has come from it……or maybe it was the title to my posting…….12 y/o girl……….OH CRAP!

I done went and pushed a lot of buttons with that reference, didn't I?

Sorry…..so very sorry guys :apologetic:

02-05-2015, 07:04 PM
^^^^^^ Don't be!

When I first saw that thing all these arguments for and against it went running through my head big time. and I mean ALL the arguments. It's not so much about the scope as the application of the scope. Like all tools of any trade, what matters is how you use them.

I think this has been a great thread. Yes, it got side-tracked (maybe even hi-jacked) but it's all good, as far as I am concerned.

My apologies to you, Tex, if I contributed to de-railing your thread or running down the technology.

02-06-2015, 12:02 AM
I think if a little girl can get good first hits with the tech, then it makes her better than me at these distances. And I'm fine with guys taking 2000 yard shots on game if they can make them and the bullet can perform. I was just saying these guys on video mostly can't. I can't. I think my ammo limits me to 4 or 500 yards. And my shooting limits me to just beyond that.

02-06-2015, 12:21 AM
Tex, I apologize for this getting so off track, didn't realize my comment would get some so fired up. I would still rather see some one using this than to fling a bullet hoping to get close. It is not for me but hey, it may help others make clean kills. I have shot game animals out past 1200 yards but only after some one else crippled them. I shoot out to 1500 on a very regular basis and am confident in my data and equipment that when I dial up for a yardage I will hit. That gets iffy for me out past 1200 as the wind gets tougher with time of flight. If I didn't like shooting so much I might would try one of those, just looks like it would take all the fun out of it for me.

Again, I apologize for getting this off track.

02-06-2015, 12:42 AM
I think if a little girl can get good first hits with the tech, then it makes her better than me at these distances. And I'm fine with guys taking 2000 yard shots on game if they can make them and the bullet can perform. I was just saying these guys on video mostly can't. I can't. I think my ammo limits me to 4 or 500 yards. And my shooting limits me to just beyond that.

Well frankly im not fine with 2000 yd shots on game Twinsen. We can easily build guns capable of those distances and more.
But frankly we run out of other things before we get there. Shooting for fun at rock ledges or other targets is one thing.
But live targets pose a different challenge. Seeing a puff of dust from a hit on a rock is easily done with good optics.
But seeing hits on an animal at distances much less than that is not. Especially under the types of conditions often present
during hunting seasons.
As for the girl, she was chosen for one reason. That being her ability to shoot.
A 12 year old boy could be taught to do the same and so could you much easier than you might think.
We might not have seen the entire video either. Maybe just the part they wanted us to see?
Time will tell, we will either be hearing alot more or nothing more.

02-09-2015, 01:09 AM
I see you can buy it for $19,000 and it is guaranteed for 30 days! I think I'll stick with my Razor, It has a better warranty! When I first seen these I think they were asking something like 27,000? Also I still think wind call is manual, plus 500 yards, by todays standards, is diffidently not a long range shot.