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View Full Version : New to the board (again)

11-22-2014, 04:48 PM
Hey everyone, just thought I'd introduce myself again.
I used to be on here years ago, but sold my old 10fp while I was in the Marines and just now finally got back around to building a new rig. So expect to see alot more of me. I don't really remember anyone specific from before, and doubt anyone would remember me, so here's to a fresh start as the NFG!

My name is Greg. I live in Edwardsville, IL (25mins or so outside of St Louis, MO)
I am a huge gearhead and build badass "race" street cars for a living at Craven Performance in St Charles, MO. I'm the lead gas tech there, so anything you might see that leaves the shop and runs on pump gas I get to molest lol
I also do photography on the side, and as a hobby when I get freetime, so along with shooting and cars, I somehow found the 3 most expensive hobbies I think.

Not advertising but if you're generally interested in what I do, some of my work, you can check out my photography at www.gconnoyer.zenfolio.com and if you're on Facebook, my shop at www.facebook.com/cravenperformance. We have a website as well but doesn't get updated daily with all the new builds and stuff like our facebook page.

Here's a picture of my old build. I cant believe its been since 2008 since this picture was taken (sold it in 09)
http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/img/s7/v157/p84177392-4.jpg (http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/p319257105/e50471f0)

And here's some pictures of the new build.
http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/img/s5/v124/p141372941-4.jpg (http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/p319257105/e86d2e0d)
http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/img/s1/v46/p165363156-4.jpg (http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/p319257105/e9db3dd4)
http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/img/s6/v135/p422849473-4.jpg (http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/p319257105/e19342bc1)
http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/img/s10/v107/p251537279-4.jpg (http://gconnoyer.zenfolio.com/p319257105/eefe277f)

11-22-2014, 07:26 PM
Welcome Back , great pics.

11-23-2014, 02:16 PM
Welcome back. Thanks for your service.

11-24-2014, 10:22 AM
Glad to have you back in the fold.

11-30-2014, 08:54 PM
Thanks guys!

Finally got to get out and shoot today. Shot at to 500 and held under 3". Still havent bedded the stock, and was just shooting Norma 168's that I picked up from Cabelas. I guess I need to get back into reloading now

12-01-2014, 09:51 AM
howdy,thanks for your service

12-01-2014, 08:57 PM
Welcome from NE Michigan and Thank You for your service!