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View Full Version : Odessa match today

08-17-2014, 07:05 PM
Tough going today..Tricky wind and light conditions
made it hard even for the master shooters..But
we managed to pull it off..All in fun anyway...
Only 7 shooters there..But like I said..It is a tough
range to figuer out..Too tough for most I think..lol:frusty:

08-18-2014, 05:41 AM
When I left work yesterday morning, it was raining so I went home and took a nap instead. I should have rode up to the match.The wind was up yesterday, glad I wasn't shooting at the Odessa Bowl...I see you and Dan are still shooting in the 190's.:cool: Either you two can shoot or the bullet witch likes you guys.... I learned I was fire forming at .5 gr over max listing yesterday and shooting some formed brass over .5 gr. Extremely accurate from rifle to rifle but I wonder why I didn't scribble down over max in my old data ? :der: Fire forming concerned me a bit but running over max on formed brass did not.I need to find a lower node though.

08-18-2014, 07:16 AM
Awesome....you missed a good one for sure...

08-18-2014, 10:40 AM
Ace we had a match here in Ct. yesterday (200 yard score ) and only had 18 shooters usually we have around 28-30, must have been the weather. Partly sunny with switching winds and a up and down swirl at the target, 78*. I think the ammo shortages and the cost of gas is keeping guys home this year because it seems as if all matches are off this year as for participants.

08-18-2014, 04:49 PM
When I left work yesterday morning, it was raining so I went home and took a nap instead. I should have rode up to the match.The wind was up yesterday, glad I wasn't shooting at the Odessa Bowl...I see you and Dan are still shooting in the 190's.:cool: Either you two can shoot or the bullet witch likes you guys.... I learned I was fire forming at .5 gr over max listing yesterday and shooting some formed brass over .5 gr. Extremely accurate from rifle to rifle but I wonder why I didn't scribble down over max in my old data ? :der: Fire forming concerned me a bit but running over max on formed brass did not.I need to find a lower node though.

Ace and I beat out the Remingtins and a Sako trg 22 .308 topped with Smidt and Benders LOL, with our Savage's! Ace has kicked some butt at 1000 yards before, and knows the ropes quite well, I have competed for 4 years and have learned alot, I had to use all the skills I had to shoot low 190's with the .223 in those conditions.

Ace, you were Bench TR and I was F open LOL. You never let me win Ace!

08-18-2014, 05:51 PM
I said you two can shoot and not just the bull either ! I see I it is going to take a small miracle to eek a win out of the Odessa bowl with you two and Allan is usually always up in or near the top.

08-18-2014, 06:06 PM
I said you two can shoot and not just the bull either ! I see I it is going to take a small miracle to eek a win out of the Odessa bowl with you two and Allan is usually always up in or near the top.

Don't forget Tony, Fed Gov. rifle instructor. Cranebird, don't worry,, you shot 180's with high x count right out the gate shooting a rifle you've never shot before with a 16X scope, you will do great once you shoot a few match's and get your gear and stuff together. The first 3 years I shot I was so stoked and excited and nervous all at the same time I couldn't hardly sleep the night before a match,, now I've mellowed out, but still get a little shaky during a match.