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View Full Version : Front sled/track plate and rear bag rider for Savage 12 F/TR - ideas needed.

07-19-2014, 03:46 AM
I've just committed to buy a barely used Savage 12 F/TR (my 1st Savage) from out of State. It will be a little while before it arrives and all the required hoops are jumped through here (Australia) so I'm doing my best to prepare in advance. For used gun purchase here it all must be done at a licensed dealers and a "Permit to Acquire" is required prior from the State Police Firearms licensing. I haven't even got my hands on one of these rifles before this but hope to have it up and running for 1000yd competition in late August. I would have preferred the Palma stock but sometimes the choice just isn't there.

From photos it seems it has an Anschutz style rail at the front but also the stock base slopes relative to the barrel. I will use the rifle initially on a front rest (F Class) and will later use same rifle F/TR with bipod still in design stage. For F Class what I need is to fit a 3 inch width Front Sled or Track Plate as per the Whidden one. However it would be better parallel to the barrel. Does anyone know of one (or the angle of slope on the stock) ? With the angle I may be able to get something machined.

I am also looking for a rear bag rider and would prefer something that doesn't mess the stock up too much, i.e. removable without evidence.


p.s. Buying an alternative stock is not an option at present. I am also told it is not easy to import (if export is allowed) and can be at a prohibitive price premium when even available here.

07-19-2014, 02:22 PM
It would be easier to just make the plate in the desired dimension, then allow for the stock taper with different width spacers between the plate and stock.
I use the same setup on several of my guns. I use sections of old heavy rifle barrels for the spacers cut to proper legnth. Stacks of stainless fender washers
would work also. Long hanger nuts epoxied into the stock will hold it in place. Be advised teflon plates also work well and slide nicely. The rear wont be as easy,
and will require some fabrication. If its a wood stock an add on could be made and epoxied in place. Other type fabrication will require mounting which usally means holes.
Again, teflon would work with holes up into the bottom.

07-19-2014, 05:26 PM
Thanks Yobuck.

I did wonder about spacers but was worried it would put a twist force onto the bolt or sliding spacers, assuming one is made rather than bought. I think best thing is if I just try it out. Chances are the plate will be alloy.

I think I also have something worked out for the rear bag rider to. I have a sheet of stainless that is curled into an offset wide tube along one edge. The flat could be drilled to mount on the cheek piece screws with the tube below, turned under the stock as the rider. I could even fill the tube with a very large round section dowel.

07-20-2014, 09:57 AM
Dont worry about the plate tourquing on you. One of the guns i do this on is about 35# and is in a very large 338 cartridge.
In my case the plate is mounted at the balance point of the gun and it supports the entire gun weight without help of any rear support.
The sides are grooved, and the whole thing slides into a return to battery rest on the bench. Entirly different use than you need, but the plate part would work for you.
The spacers should be at least 1" in diameter and 1 1/4" wouldnt hurt. Thats why i mentioned fender washers as they come in different sizes with different hole sizes.
1/4" bolts with allen heads will suffice to fasten the plate. No reason you couldnt experiment using wood also for the plate. Eventually you'll get it right.

07-20-2014, 09:45 PM
Thanks, I'll put up photos when done.