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View Full Version : Choate tactical stock question

05-25-2014, 11:28 AM
I have the stock Choate tactical stock on a 7mm-08 and if fits really well, the problem is the trigger guard slams my middle finger during recoil. The palm swell is a little to large as well. Has anyone modified these stocks for the same issues? If you have a picture and a brief description on how you performed the mods that would really help me out. Thanks, Kemmer

06-17-2014, 09:17 AM
I do not have those issues on mine but you can sand the stock down. Shape it with a cartridge roll but it would ruin the texture finish. May have to paint it or add grip tape

06-17-2014, 10:10 AM
try only using the tip of your finger when you pull the trigger. I only rest my hand on the palm swell and use the tip of my finger when pressing it to the rear, also make sure you have the buttstock tight into your shoulder.

06-18-2014, 12:53 AM
I have both the UVS and the Tactical. I have never encountered a problem with recoil and fingers. Maybe it's because I keep a slightly firm grip pulling the stock into the shoulder. Anyhow, I called Choate on my wife's UVS about thinning down the grip and reshaping it. He told me that the stock is quite thick in that area (1/4"+). I used a dremel with a rasp type bit and it took forever to remove 1/16-1/8" and reshape it a little. A die grinder would be better suited. Messy too. The Choate plastic is very hard and used sandpaper to smooth out grinding marks. Good luck.