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View Full Version : Question on my IMR 4831 reloading powder white sparks when i fire the reloads

04-27-2014, 05:50 AM
I have a quick question
When i reloaded some of my regular bullets not the ones i made but factory one. Well it was dusk and when i shot the reload there were intermediate white sparks that happened.

Is this normal it.s almost like some titanium powder got in the powder Is it OK to use i,d hate to ruin the barrel or worse yet my self. I can,t really take a picture of it

Also i did a few more of the brass bullets check out my other post thanks Austin

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1.0-9/10247306_10201836744265642_9055149478078897931_n.j pg

04-27-2014, 07:31 AM
I've never seen or heard of that before but my guess would be it is from your primers. What primers are you using?

04-27-2014, 07:47 AM
I just bought them and they are Winchester WLR here,s a pic Thanks Austin

https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/p526x296/10170946_10201837251038311_1902797494723953019_n.j pg

I've never seen or heard of that before but my guess would be it is from your primers. What primers are you using?

04-27-2014, 08:25 AM
I have a quick question
When i reloaded some of my regular bullets not the ones i made but factory one. Well it was dusk and when i shot the reload there were intermediate white sparks that happened.

Is this normal it.s almost like some titanium powder got in the powder Is it OK to use i,d hate to ruin the barrel or worse yet my self. I can,t really take a picture of it


Its more or less normal. We just don't notice them in brighter lighting conditions.

( 5) Sparks are a common feature of the flash for small arms. These can arise from the ejection of incompletely burnt powder particles or by the ejection of white-hot acid or metallic particles. The former can be crystals of potassium salts if the powder is a "flashless" one while the latter can be the residual fragments of the metallic components of the cap composition or fragments of burning metal from the bullet jacket or driving bands.

BTW, good looking bullets! They look almost identical of those made by the now defunct Groove Bullet Company. I still have maybe a dozen or so of their 27-130s. I don't know what happen to the company. I went to order some 30s online one day and "Poof", they were gone never to be heard from again.


scope eye
04-27-2014, 08:42 AM
You have obviously never fired on of those Mosin Nagant rifles, with they ammo that comes in a giant sardine can, anyone that has ever fired one will back me up on this the muzzle flash has to be at a minimum 3 feet, and a giant ball of fire at that, so much for giving away your position, so basically you can kill and cook your deer in one shot.LOL hey, a rifle and sardine can of ammo all 440 rounds was only $99.00 I bought several of them since the gun shop owner would no just sell they ammo, he only had as many cans as rifles, then I would sell sell the rifle.


04-27-2014, 08:45 AM
Hi Bil thanks for the info

If you have the specs message me them and i,ll see what i can do. It seems like there would be some interest in them to sell but i don,t want to say that now until i become a paid sponsor. The are a bit easier to make than my cannon i sell and cannon sales are slow to

Again thanks Austin

Its more or less normal. We just don't notice them in brighter lighting conditions.

BTW, good looking bullets! They look almost identical of those made by the now defunct Groove Bullet Company. I still have maybe a dozen or so of their 27-130s. I don't know what happen to the company. I went to order some 30s online one day and "Poof", they were gone never to be heard from again.


Is the bullet like this one


04-27-2014, 12:18 PM
Hi Bil thanks for the info

If you have the specs message me them and i,ll see what i can do. It seems like there would be some interest in them to sell

Again thanks Austin

I lied to you, they're the "EXP" 113 grain 27s. I haven't haven't even looked at them in 10 or more years. I had'm stuffed in back of the other stuff!:p


I don't have the specs but this it what they look like. If want I can send you a few to play with. Shoot me a PM with your address, I get'm out sometime this week.


04-27-2014, 05:49 PM
I can't believe that they are almost the same that amazing. I had thought it was a good idea. Well it is but someone came up with it already.

I wonder if this was the model that the atf *****ed about.

I lied to you, they're the "EXP" 113 grain 27s. I haven't haven't even looked at them in 10 or more years. I had'm stuffed in back of the other stuff!:p


I don't have the specs but this it what they look like. If want I can send you a few to play with. Shoot me a PM with your address, I get'm out sometime this week.


04-27-2014, 10:10 PM
I can't believe that they are almost the same that amazing. I had thought it was a good idea. Well it is but someone came up with it already.

There's more. Check out http://www.northforkbullets.com/magento/products/bullets/premium-bonded-core/
