View Full Version : How important do you think a camo/stock or whole rifle, shotgun is?

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11-15-2011, 01:26 AM
love it

11-15-2011, 08:28 AM

I haven't finished yet, but

11-16-2011, 01:51 PM
The straight black barrel is what stands out in the country I hunt, heavy sage. When my partner and I split for a stand I can spot him right away by the black barrel sticking out of the cover, it is tatally forgien to the surroundings. usually the stock is faf enough back and low enough that it can't be spotted from a coyote on the ground.

Wrapping or painting the barrel works well but I do paint the whole rifle because I like the look.



11-16-2011, 03:21 PM
I haven't decided weather or not to paint the barrel, however I did have the barrel "bead blasted" to remove the shine out in the sun.... I hope that is enough... I have another rifle, a 700bdl in 243w that I carry behind the pickup set that has a wrapped barrel... http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a230/UtahMike/IMG_0237.jpg

11-16-2011, 03:45 PM
I have been hunting for other 30 years and to this date have never had a Deer, hog, yote, dove, etc thank me for killing them with a camo painted gun instead of a plain ol factory Black synthetic stock or wood stock gun.

I would think unless you are hunting humans, camo is not really important.

11-16-2011, 11:04 PM
I have read through this thread and there are alot of good points made that's why I like the diversity of this site that being said: the ? How important is it to camo up a gun IMO it's a marketing tool just as the tacti-cool market used to be 3-9x30 scopes on hunting rifles parallax free at 100 yards no knobs switches bells whistles crap to mess with while in the field.. To hunt a hunter "predator" if you're packing a 26" stainless gun with a gloss stock and scope and expect to be remotely successful I doubt it. Painting a gun lock stock an barrel you don't have to get a wrap or make one out of a pair of bdu camos if that's all you have. Alot of us back "varmint" rifles to do coyote hunting heavy barrel light triggers so you cringe when you grab the primer and set out to paint a weapon. It's a tool that's all it is, painted or not you want your success rate higher a coyote can see a field mouse jump at 100 yards or further that 26" shiny lightning stick don't help your odds at all.. My .02 fwiw

11-17-2011, 02:06 AM
quickkillaught6 --- I was just wondering, how many coyotes did you take last year? Are you an avid hunter, just wondering ? And what rifle did you use...

11-17-2011, 04:33 AM
I waited a while on this, but I guess I'll put in my $ .02

Like many have already said, I don't think a camo weapon is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, if you're a serious hunter, it certainly doesn't hurt anything either.

The most important thing is to be careful about movement, as movement will get you spotted faster than anything. Stay in the shadows when possible. Don't silhouette yourself. For animals with good noses, pay attention to wind direction. Etc, etc. Just good basic technique will take you a long way.

If you do decide to camo your weapon, don't halfway do it or you're defeating the purpose. Paint the entire thing, scope and all, just remember to tape off the numbers on the various scope knobs.

11-17-2011, 05:06 AM
squirrelsniper -- As a side note, did you happen to read the article in "Predator Extreme" magazine about the eyesite of coyotes? It was a 3 or 4 part article on the ability of coyotes to see colors, etc. and how well... I think you can probably "Google" the net and find the article.... I think it made very very good ready.... I mentioned this when I started the topic....

11-17-2011, 07:34 AM
No, I haven't read it. I've never had a subscription to the mag so I've only read one here and there when I saw it somewhere. I'll look around the net and see if I can find it though. Thanks.

11-17-2011, 02:26 PM
Hunter I shot 35 dogs and 4 fox last year in Indiana my goal was 50 didn't quite get there but maybe this year took most of them doing ambush set ups when you put enough distance to your target it's a little easier I used 2 rifles no shotgun and got one with a muzzle loader the rifles were a remington sps 223 and a savage 30-06 camo'd pics in pic section the r700 is all matte and is getting painted this year didn't have time to psi t it last year. Another good thing about paint is it's easily changed I use primer grey as a base about 3 coats so If the paint gets scratched it's not s big deal I also do quite a bit of night time hunting when a coyotes eyes are in a red light they really can't see your gun if it's a tool I don't hesitate to painter up

11-18-2011, 03:44 PM
Just a side note to the problem of lens glare. On some of my sniping setups at sunrise I will close the front lens cover until the coyote hits my magic 200-300 Yrd's mark, then open it at the right moment. Also remember that your bino's have the same problem. Why look into the sun, well mister wind dictates it in some locations.

11-18-2011, 04:29 PM
quickkillaugh6 -- I have a 40yr old son who lives in Muncie, he doesn't have anyone to hunt with, If your close maybe the two of you could get together.... He is an avid hunter, reloader, he does blackpowder and molds his own bullets and even has the press' for making 22cal and I think 6mm vld type bullets..... I'll get you his name if your intrested, pm me..... I'm sure he would love to get out....

Thanks, Desert.....

11-23-2011, 01:01 AM
I've also got a couple of rolls of that "Camo Form" in "snow and mossy oak brush", I was extremely disappointed in the product..... They show it so perfect wrapping a rifle, yet it only sticks to itself, not the gun, cutting a opening for the bolt, etc. is a joke.... But I will try it one more time to wrap the barrel and scope, loosely to see if it will work.....

If you are talking about the stuff that is for leg wrapping. converted to camo, than there is no need to cut any holes, just wrap it so it doesn't interfere with the bolt or ejection. Not every cm of the gun need to be covered, just the most obvious ones. Remember, most of the receiver will be covered by your face anyway.

11-23-2011, 10:33 AM
i have 2 camo'd guns that i did myself with krylone, my primary bushy predator and my mossy 835. i had all my other hunting guns painted then took it all off. the PE article is good and i wear ASAT camo and leafy suit. movement is key. i broke my record last year with preds and pelts paid for my entire year. but i'm taking all the camo off the 2 other rifles this summer after my self imposed rattlesnake season starts. movement is your enemy and camo just looks like a blob anyway so a dog isn't going to notice a black barrel sticking out at him. ARD's are nice if you can find one in your size other wise mesh works. all you have to do is knock off the shiny parts, you are not a sniper where a human can discern another human and react. i've actually had a coyote in my lap and it was not due to the camo of my weapon but of what i was wearing. the stock camo jobs that you pay extra for are mostly the wrong colors any way. if i do camo anymore it is just with a sponge and some flat tan and just a little darker brown, just enough to look like i dropped it in the mud. my .05