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View Full Version : Wounded Warrior's

01-29-2014, 10:48 AM
Wouldn't it be neat if we as Savage shooter members got every member to kick in 5 or 10 dollars and we could send a wounded warrior on a hunt of a life time? On behalf of the Savage shooters members. We have members all over the Country and it wouldn't be to hard to set up a hunt.

01-29-2014, 11:37 AM
I've got some connections for ms la for a hunt. We raise money every year with an archery tournament so these hunts don't caust the hunters anything. I don't have a web sight but its on Facebook, USC, or united sportsmen for Christ.
Woodland outdoor ministries is in Springfield la does a lot. They do have a web sight. They made the elk hunt possible in the other post.

01-30-2014, 11:35 PM
I dunno, I guess I've always been of the mind that if you're going to be charitable then be charitable in a way that will truly be beneficial to the recipient. What I mean by that is that a hunt isn't a necessity in life, but food, clothing, medication, shelter, etc. are. I'd rather do something that betters that persons quality of living or makes it so they're better able to do the normal day-to-day things the rest of us might take for granted. Sending a wounded warrior on a hunt might give him or her some good memories and might fulfill a dream they have, but it doesn't do anything to improve their situation or help reduce of eliminate the challenges they face every day.