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01-02-2014, 07:04 PM
Man the weather here in N Ohio really sux right now!

01-02-2014, 07:28 PM
I had my A/C on today. Around 1400hrs it was 81* and I took a nap after working in the south 40 all day....

scope eye
01-02-2014, 07:53 PM
I had my A/C on today. Around 1400hrs it was 81* and I took a nap after working in the south 40 all day....

I will give someone the choice of anyone of my rifles, if someone goes down to the Sunshine state and gives Frank a serious beat down.


01-02-2014, 08:01 PM
ROTFL!!!!! You're jealous!!!!

01-02-2014, 08:02 PM
Don't feel singled out Deano.
I've been emailing my friend of 52 years all day long. Sending him Florida weather reports, pictures of my broccoli & lettuce growing, the green grass I have to cut in January...

I hear they're going to be in for a heckuva ride on Long Island, NY.

01-03-2014, 12:00 AM
Snowing here in Phily Pa. temp is 25*

01-03-2014, 12:46 AM
It's about 10 or 8 out and there's going to be a foot of snow, but I don't mind because I have good tires and 4wd.

But, I don't know if the gun store will be closed tomorrow!!! :chargrined:

01-03-2014, 02:39 AM
I love winter weather for the first half of winter, but by early February I'm ready for spring and warmer temps. I really don't know if I could live somewhere that didn't offer a good proper dose of each season every year. Just wouldn't seem right to me.

01-03-2014, 08:27 AM
Cold here. I have two outside thermometers that I can read inside remotely. However, on both of them, it is so cold the batteries are not giving the outside sensor enough power. My guess is that it's close to zero degrees F.

I went outside and blew and shoveled the snow. Only about 6 inches of powder, so it was not too bad. However, my hands got cold enough that I came in partway through and warmed them up with warm water. That does not happen often.

Murphy's law (AKA, my own inattention to detail) happened last night. It turns out I left the inside light on in my Suburban last night, so now, of course this morning, the battery is dead, dead, dead. I now have to charge the battery before I can start it and warm things up. Once it warms up, that GM hunk of iron under the hood can really heat up the interior, but it needs a little bit of juice to get it going on a day like today.

Subsequent edit: Ok, now one thermometer is working. it's 1.6 degrees F.

If that's the worst of my troubles, I guess I'm doing ok.

01-03-2014, 09:15 AM
Here in Eastern KY, it got down to 8 degrees F last night! Mercury still reads around 11 at 8AM EST

01-03-2014, 09:39 AM
Right now 7* with a wind chill of -18* and droping because the wind is increasing to over 25mph. That is in central Ct., oh yeah still snowing.

01-03-2014, 10:32 AM
Was up at 430a today to plow my driveway. Looks like we got about 6 inches of fresh snow overnight.

Now im at work, have about 4 layers of clothes on, and am getting ready to climb a telephone pole! The temp is about 10* with 25-30mph winds.

Ahh, the things we do for a little overtime!

01-03-2014, 10:41 AM
Got to work today and it's 23* here in middle GA. Only thing that sucks about winters in GA is that when I get off, it's too dark to shoot. It seems to rain every weekend; I'm not about to take my nice rifles out in the rain.

01-03-2014, 10:47 AM
East coast central Florida reporting 49* and windy. A bit of light overcast.

For us guys that have lived here for 35+ years, we call this "colder than a mother in laws kiss"...

Kinda reminds me of a nice spring day back on Long Island.

01-03-2014, 12:06 PM
Us Michiganders woke up to -9 degrees this morning! No more snow, though.

Got a laugh at the expense of our poor Shih Tzu on Wed...
There was a thick layer of ice between two layers of snow in the yard. The top layer was real light and fluffy. Look navigable enough. Unfortunately for the dog, though, she could not get a good foot-hold and so as she attempted to squat and do her thing, her hind legs kept sliding up and under her! No matter how she tried, she could not squat without planting her butt in the snow and against the ice. Poor thing kept looking up and over to me with this pathetic look of "Really, must I bear such indignity? Maybe I can get some help here? Ah, come on already! Dang! Ah, Crap!"

Wished I had video taped her!

01-03-2014, 01:49 PM
Man it's tough here too in the 50's sunny gonna be 70 tomorrow....

01-03-2014, 03:43 PM
-10 this am,then battery in my thermo transmitter went dead.I cant wait to get old enough to go South for winter,Also more snow coming Sunday,another 4-8 inches and -10 to -18 temps.Im almost happy Im laid off for a few weeks .

01-06-2014, 02:31 PM
Under a level 3 today so cant drive on roads,and my .308sr barrel is at postoffice.So I geared up and went for a walk and picked it up.When I got home watched noon news -10 degrees and -30 with windchill ! Barrel looks very nice.

01-06-2014, 02:40 PM
Pretty nasty cold here too but not Northern Maine where I spent 1999-2010 I was out in the fields last night checking my mule, put hay in the barn for him, he was in the woods standing. He was out all iced over eating hay early AM in the field, never went in the barn. Good coat on him though. Had cats and coyote activity between midnite and morning when I checked traps. 3 coyotes went around my snares, one under.

UPS is bring my Boyds lam today though:p

01-06-2014, 03:16 PM
Don't feel singled out Deano.
I've been emailing my friend of 52 years all day long. Sending him Florida weather reports, pictures of my broccoli & lettuce growing, the green grass I have to cut in January...

I hear they're going to be in for a heckuva ride on Long Island, NY.
Well frank, buddy ol pal, say good bye to those greens, welcome in 20F in few hours! [shibs doing the evil mj thriller laugh] ;-)