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01-02-2014, 04:11 PM
I've smoked for nearly 9 years now, I'm sure some of you longer since you're older, but no matter the age or length it still sucks to quit. That said, sorry if I offend anyone or go on an all out rampage on the keyboard because of my lack of nicotine.
This is a preemptive apology. Only good for about a week, I should chill out by next weekend lol

01-02-2014, 04:43 PM
Hang in there Pardner, you "can" do it.

01-02-2014, 04:47 PM
I've smoked for nearly 9 years now, I'm sure some of you longer since you're older, but no matter the age or length it still sucks to quit. That said, sorry if I offend anyone or go on an all out rampage on the keyboard because of my lack of nicotine.
This is a preemptive apology. Only good for about a week, I should chill out by next weekend lol

As someone who has kicked smokes, and then dip every day without gets easier. The first 24 hours are rough.

It helps to address cravings with physical exercise I found. After a run or even a good brisk walk your lungs feel so alive the idea of putting smoke in them will be slightly repugnant. It will also give you a sense of winning.

01-02-2014, 04:52 PM
When I quit, I used the substitution method.
I substituted smoking for sex.

Then my 'ol lady found out....

And I'll probably continue to smoke after the swelling in my lips goes down a bit.

01-02-2014, 05:16 PM
When I quit, I used the substitution method.
I substituted smoking for sex.

Then my 'ol lady found out....

And I'll probably continue to smoke after the swelling in my lips goes down a bit.
HAHAHAHA! Classy! That's what my girl said to do too!

01-02-2014, 05:29 PM
Heck with that. I quit 1979 and started again this year. But they are all natural so they are good for me. Besides, you want a gravestone says "this man died of nothing?"

01-02-2014, 05:32 PM
Heck with that. I quit 1979 and started again this year. But they are all natural so they are good for me. Besides, you want a gravestone says "this man died of nothing?"

Now I like your way of thinking. I tell my doctor the same thing when he loads me up with medications I don't take.

I have my very own private pharmacy.

01-02-2014, 05:56 PM
I've replaced with beer and food. Been skinny my whole life til now, probably die a fatty! HAHA!

01-02-2014, 06:04 PM
To the OP: Congratulations on being brave enough to take control of your life. You are also brave to admit, in a public forum like this, that you have a problem you wish to solve. You have my wholehearted support. I think you will find that most of the members here will support you fully.

As for me, no lectures, no guilt, no sympathy (but lots of empathy), and no condescending attitude. However you certainly do have as much support as I can give you for when you need it most.

01-02-2014, 06:16 PM
My wife and her sister smoked over 40 years. They switched to the E water vapor CIG and have not smoked for nearly 3 years with no desire to go back. They are down to nearly no nicotine now, plus they smell better! You may want to give it s try.

01-02-2014, 06:30 PM
Jan 31st will be my 3rd anniversary for quitting after 20 years of smoking. I took Chantex which really, REALLY helps with the nicotine cravings, so all I had to deal with was keeping my hands busy and occasionally having something in my mouth when the urge really kicked up.

For the mouth thing I just did Brach's candies or Lifesaver's mints. I'd buy a $1.99 bag at Speedway almost every day and just pop one in my mouth to suck on every time I had the urge for a cigarette. Did that for about a month before the urges for a smoke had all but totally subsided.

Not going nuts because I felt the need to be doing something with my hands all the time was a little tougher to find a solution for. I tried click pens (drove everyone around me nuts) and a stress ball, but neither really helped. Best solution I found was just to keep myself as busy as possible so I wouldn't get bored or think about it. Put together a list of all those crappy things that need done around the house that you've been putting off doing and get to work on them. Take up a new hobby, find a mistress, whatever it takes. lol

Trust me, it gets lots easier after the first week or two, and even more so after the first month or so. I won't lie and tell you I don't still get a small craving for a smoke every time I see someone light up, but it's totally manageable and just thinking about how much money I'm saving keeps temptation at bay.

Good luck!

01-02-2014, 08:35 PM
Good for you guys. I do wish you all the luck in the world. I'm trying to lose weight right now, so I know sort of what your going through.

01-02-2014, 08:51 PM
I quit on Jan. 6, 2006 and haven't looked back and that was after smoking for 32yrs. It was hard to do but once I made up my mind it was going to happen it did.

01-02-2014, 09:45 PM
Now I like your way of thinking. I tell my doctor the same thing when he loads me up with medications I don't take.

I have my very own private pharmacy.

Sounds like the VA. Send you home with a suitcase. I don't do them wonder pills either.

01-02-2014, 10:19 PM
I quit using the patch when it first came out. My wife worked for a Dr. that wanted a guinea pig. That was over 20 yrs ago and haven't smoked since. Good luck to you,you won't regret it.

01-02-2014, 10:26 PM
The patch makes me worse. Tried it before. I'm using nicorette, will power, and staying busy. That's my plan anyway

01-03-2014, 06:21 AM
Feel your pain I am on my third week of quitting dipping. Only advice I can give you is once you stop don't ever start back. I quit for a little over a year in 08. It has been much harder this go around. I quit many times since but would only go 2 or 3 days before I couldn't take it.

01-03-2014, 01:29 PM
One buddy was going to quit chew. He ductaped a wad of copenhagen to his arm:cool:

BTW, when I did quit 1979 I just went cold turkey, worked 34 years! You all can do it.

01-03-2014, 01:51 PM
Just remember "YOUCANDOIT" personalty have NEVER smoked but from what my Brother went through i can understand what it is to STOP SMOKING.

01-03-2014, 05:07 PM
I was lucky or unlucky as the case my be. The unlucky part, I tried my best to cut off the ends of two fingers a few years ago. The surgeon gave me a choice, he could take them off that evening or if I quit smoking he would give me a 90% chance keeping them. From his years of experience the success rate reattaching body parts was about 10% for smokers. I choose door number one!

The lucky part, I simply quit cold turkey that evening. I didn't need patches or anything else. No, I didn't kick the dogs or chase Maw around the house with a dull ax. I was the same miserable old goat as usual!:p

I don't know if he was being honest or it was his way of getting me to quit but in any case other than puff'n on an occasional stogie I haven't smoked since.
