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01-03-2014, 05:14 PM
Thanks for the continuing support! Some of your stories are quite amusing and make it suck just a lil less while quitting. Even if it is at your own expense, I'm not laughing at you- just with you.

01-03-2014, 07:39 PM
Yes, you are at risk for far more of all diseases if you smoke. So the dr was right, your body will heal better without the cigarettes.
As to your thread title.
Let me suggest you change your attitude about it. You do not lose anything by quitting. You gain something. And a whole lot. You get better health and all that goes with it. You get your sense of smell and taste back.
You no longer smell like all the chemicals that get on you, and in your car, and in your house from the smoke.
Do you want to die of nothing? Well, it is never nothing. How about die of old age, rather than of lung cancer.

01-03-2014, 08:06 PM
I quit for 2.5 years, then decided I could "have just one". Was back smoking a pack a day within the week, and continued to smoke for the next 7 years. I didn't really want to quit then, and thought about it all the time.

This time I quit because of my son. I decided I should probably take a little better care of myself, so I could be around for awhile. It was a year in October, and I don't miss it one bit this time.

Good luck!

01-03-2014, 09:27 PM
Yes, you are at risk for far more of all diseases if you smoke. So the dr was right, your body will heal better without the cigarettes.
As to your thread title.
Let me suggest you change your attitude about it. You do not lose anything by quitting. You gain something. And a whole lot. You get better health and all that goes with it. You get your sense of smell and taste back.
You no longer smell like all the chemicals that get on you, and in your car, and in your house from the smoke.
Do you want to die of nothing? Well, it is never nothing. How about die of old age, rather than of lung cancer.

well ill be 79 come april. i quit when i was 20 because they just didnt agree with me. back then they were supposedly
good for you according to guys like arthur godfrey who later died of lung cancer.
im still hunting and this year shot another nice buck at some decent distance.
i frankly wont bother much with people who smoke. it just bothers me when im around it.

01-04-2014, 11:54 PM
How are you hanging in there Mazda? It ain`t easy, but nothing worth anything ever is. It will be one of the best things you will ever do.

One of the best decisions I ever made. Next month will mark my 13 year smoke and chew free.

01-05-2014, 03:24 PM
Quitting smoking was actually very easy for me once I decided to actually do it, in 97 I quit cold turkey after some 24 years of smokling. In 03 I had a 2 year relapse after some trying times in my job and life in general. I felt like I needed a crutch for a little while. Once things calmed down a bit the smokes went away again. Good luck and don't give up. They cost too ****ed much these days anyway...

01-05-2014, 04:30 PM
Ed's story sounds familiar.
I quit in '86. Divorced the drunk I was married to in '97. Later that year she wandered back to town & drove me crazy for a day of two. Moment of choice:
Bump off the ex OR grab a pack of Winston & calm down....

I couldn't justify the first option without looking at jail time.
Option 2 still has me by the short hairs BUT, down to 5 - 10 smokes a day. Its no easy task by any means.

Quitting smoking, that is.

01-05-2014, 04:42 PM
I must admit I do indulge in "fine Cigars" once or twice a month. I really do enjoy a nice premium smoke like a Man-o-War or a high end Gurkha. I have a good bud that I grew up with that we try and get together once a year for some down time. We'll smoke a good cigar or two, tell a few lies and sip some Cognac. If ever there was such a thing as a "good" smoke; that's the way to do it.

01-06-2014, 09:56 AM
Status report: I'm doing better. Cold turkey was just too much, my body was hooked on nicotine, not the physical habit. So I'm down to 3-4 cigs a day. I chew lots of gum, eat candy, stay focused on work...and here lol. I'm on the down slope of quitting, getting easier to let it go.

01-07-2014, 01:40 PM
Hang in there.

01-07-2014, 04:40 PM
Just don't quit quitting! Getting close to a month myself.

01-07-2014, 06:09 PM
I've never smoked, but I have developed a nasty caffeine habit since my kids came along. The physical addiction is completely kicking my ass, no hope
of quitting soon.

If you're having any luck at all quitting smoking, keep at it. It's an accomplishment to be proud of and you'll feel better.

Buzzard II
01-08-2014, 04:49 PM
I quit smoking 3 1/2 packs a day through Smoke Enders. That was 25 years ago and never went back. It was painless! No patch, no BS, just results. Worked for me! Bob

01-08-2014, 05:37 PM
3 1/2 packs a day?! Sweet baby Jesus, man! How did you have time to do anything BUT smoke?

More like, How did you afford your life outside of smoking cigarettes? Because I've worked in the Jersey/Philly area and they aren't cheap to buy compared to good ol' KY!

Buzzard II
01-08-2014, 09:12 PM
I quit 25 YEARS AGO! Smokes were a lot cheaper back then! I worked 6 days a week, 14 hours a day. Now you know why I didn't start smoking again!

01-09-2014, 09:08 PM
You can do it! I am almost 11 years free from chewing...I started when I was I 6th grade! Quit in my early 30's...hunting season is still the only time I struggle with a craving! Best of luck man!

01-10-2014, 09:39 AM
Status report: I'm doing better. Cold turkey was just too much, my body was hooked on nicotine, not the physical habit. So I'm down to 3-4 cigs a day. I chew lots of gum, eat candy, stay focused on work...and here lol. I'm on the down slope of quitting, getting easier to let it go.

I was so inspired by your attempt I decided to stop smoking as well.
And NOW you say you can't do it????
So you smoke a few per day???

I'm really disappointed. Now I have to go buy a pack of butts & start again.
Thanks for ruining my life.

01-10-2014, 09:47 AM
Different methods work for different people.

Frank, don't give up. When I quit, I went cold turkey for a week due to surgery. When the week was up I realized that If I could let go for a week, I could let go for another week...and keep that up for a long time. YMMV.

Mazda3gun, don't give up either. Cutting down is at least better than where you were. Can you try quitting for 1 day?

I know you guys can do it.

01-10-2014, 09:53 AM
I'm just yanking his crank a little.
I did manage to stop smoking. I won't use the word "quit" - It's more like I forgot to smoke. Was on a business excursion most of the week & every place I ended up was a smoke free place.

It's been 2 days of no smoking. Of course, the 'lil woman comes home early today so it is subject to change....

01-10-2014, 11:18 AM
HAHAHA! I've cut back to a few a day which is AWESOME from a whole pack or pack and a half a day. I have gone a full 24hrs without and my girl said I was sleeping on the couch that day. Apparently I wasn't very nice??
So I'm almost there, but I've found myself being very picky and critical of other people around me. Almost paranoid in fact.