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View Full Version : Got some free time? Make a para-cord sling

12-29-2013, 07:42 PM
Had some para-cord laying around and needed a sling. Vid took 100 but it was bigger and more strands. Watched this first, easy to follow.


After you watch that, or not. Put on some tunes. How long did it take? Burning Down the house. Talking heads in Rome, half Kinks Rockpalast 1982. You can listen to something else if you like, that's what I felt like. After I finished I admired it and played Kinks "Low Budget" felt it was fitting. $4 para-cord and I had a usable sling, and if you need cord in the field you can take it apart. Or walk home and get some.:p

Attached my sling swivels to a board. I used some old electrical cable, copper and ran it thru, bent eyes and screwed it down the length I wanted. I needed 31", it tightens a bit, add an inch or 2.

The vid was a larger sling. Use an odd number of strands, 5 strands fit just right. It's a loop so 5 top, 5 bottom. Label each pair with a tag that will slide, it helps. Like this. Just tie an overhand knot, burn and squish it then thread em.


Start weaving, over under, under over. It's kinda self explanatory once you start. Tighten each time however tight you want. Like this. You can tighten much tighter if you like, probably horizontally but it works and I'm happy with this one.


Keep going. If it doesn't look right, you screwed up. Unweave it to that point and do it right. Yea I did too.

When you get to the tags and it looks OK. Take out your sharp, trusty switchblade (yea I made that one) and cut the tags off.


Finish the last couple weaves, end however you want, make another overhand knot, cut, burn and squish. If I didn't make that extra hitch wouldn't look like I missed a weave. Or maybe I did:o


Look at it and pat your back. You may have to move the swivels a couple times as it tightens (yea the 2" I lost)


Put it on your rifle. Carry it around. Show your wife or GF then go over your buddies and show him. Then carry it around some more looking for something to kill (another coyote)


12-31-2013, 07:09 PM
I love it. Now all you need to do is make an adjustable version like those nylon web ones that slide.

12-31-2013, 07:48 PM
Thanks EF! You read my mind (nasty in there huh?) I do alot of metal work and figured out a double hook, almost like the style on old GOOD leather slings with the 2 rows of holes. I'll bend it out of 3/32 or 1/8 brass rod like a U, silversolder a bar across for the paracord and bend 2 hooks. I think it will work. Then just a slack end holder of a paracord turks head. I'll share it when I make it. Ordered more paracord. I'll work on making it tighter next time, maybe try some fancy cobra head knots and 2 color or something.

I been carrying the rifle on my trap line and around the property, works real nice:p

12-31-2013, 08:32 PM
That's pretty cool!

12-31-2013, 08:54 PM
Stang and Missed, you're welcome. It's pretty easy to do on a lazy afternoon :)

01-03-2014, 03:15 PM
That's pretty Cool Shawnee, after being a boy scout, Commercial fishermen, and in the Navy I could probably figure that out. But dang I sure wish I had taken that basket weaving 101 when I was in College. :-)


01-03-2014, 07:14 PM
Oh you can do it. I commercial fished for years, my own boat and others boats. Knots? Kapitan once told me "if you ever tie a knot like that again I'll toss you over"

01-03-2014, 11:20 PM
Sounds lime you tie knots like my sweet wife! Aaaarrrrgggghh! Even she admits.she can't tie one.
But she gets an A for effort. But really 50' of rope to tie a 7 gal. water can in the back of our truck?


01-04-2014, 11:21 AM
50 feet is only enough to tie my sneaker laces.

01-04-2014, 11:52 AM
50 feet is only enough to tie my sneaker laces.

Are you Blonde? ( I can say that because my wife is Blonde and she kmows I'm joking and not being disrespectful)


01-04-2014, 06:21 PM
Nah, I'm bald and gray but got a long bushy tail hangin down my neck. I got 700 feet more paracord, should be able to make a sling with that much :)

01-04-2014, 06:23 PM
I would sure hope so. I think you could make a couple with that much.


01-04-2014, 08:14 PM
I'll try. Got some different knot work in mind:p Gonna try 2 colors in a sling too. Want to match one up to the new nutmeg Boyds coming this week.

Want to try a pistol lanyard too. Got a Rusky 1895 Nagant which is actually a very cool pistol and shoots pretty darn good. Has a lanyard ring so it's fitting that it needs a lanyard!