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12-09-2013, 09:55 PM
Day 6, Day 1 of Individual Matches:

Rifle Score: 252-4v Pistol Score 214-1X. Wind was 15-20mph all day long and was a strong opponent to fight against on all yard lines. Hoping it calms down some tomorrow for the last day of individual matches.

Pistol was a fight to stay on target as well. I just about key holed my first 3 shots in a nice little clover leaf, but then the grouping just started to open up from there. I did out score myself though compared to Friday.

Tomorrow's game plan is to just go out and have fun. I'm sitting in 43rd place of 102 shooters. I know I haven't shot my best yet, but I have forgotten the number one rule about this type of shooting! You have to have fun!

Keeping it short today gentlemen! Have a good night!

12-10-2013, 10:15 PM
Day 7, Day 2 of Individual Matches:

Rifle Score: Things fell together today and the weather was perfect! 281-16V one of the high shooters for the day, but placed 27th for aggregate score.

Pistol was a 212, but I shot a 350 out of 380 on the standard course of fire and upgraded my annual marksmanship badge to an expert qualification from a sharpshooter qualification previously.

Tomorrow is the start of the team matches and is followed by the Gunner's cup which is a course of fire of the Range OIC's choosing and is a full gear tactical style course that usually starts around the 500 yards line and works it's way in shooting in various positions and styles. The cool thing about the gunners cup is that any tacticool gear is allowed as long as you can carry it!

The number one thing I changed today was that I just had fun! I wasn't really worried about my score even though I was shooting well. I remembered that I love to shoot and therefore should find it fun and not stressful.

Here is my full run on the Rifle today.

Standing Slow Fire Score 91-1V

Rapid 3-5's, 6-4's, and 1-3 Score 42


Rapid 7-V's and 3-5's Score 50-7v


Slow Fire 18-5's, 2-4's Score 98-8V

Pretty stoked about that run today!

12-10-2013, 10:34 PM
Those are some pretty good numbers by anyone's standards.

12-10-2013, 10:49 PM
High score today was a 289. My 200 rapid was my weak point. My hold was just a little low.

12-12-2013, 09:25 PM
Final Days of matches:

Placing out of 107 shooters:

Rifle: 27th Place

Pistol: 16th Place

Not to bad over all. I learned some new things and definitely got a lot of practice in. I look forward to hopefully competing in the Division matches come February/March time frame.