View Full Version : Feedramp smoothing/polishing

02-23-2010, 11:07 PM
I recently installed CDI bottom metal in my 10FCP LE2B, feeding seemed a little rough.
Upon closer inspection, my feedramp is rougher than a cob :-\ rough with a couple side to side grooves. It no wonder theres a thick copper smear there.

Anything I should beware of before I whip out the dremel and smooth it out? I know I can't take much because of the receiver lug face there, just wanted to check that there wasn't something I'm missing first.

Thanks in advance!

Uncle Jack
02-24-2010, 02:35 AM
The first law of throating any gun is...."Polish, don't grind." Use the finest abrasive you have to just take the tops off of any ridges or imperfections on the feed ramp.

Do not polish/grind to the point of changing any angles.

Go slow...you can always do more, but you can not put anything back.


02-24-2010, 06:57 AM
Some Kydex polishing points from Brownells will do a fine job of smoothing up the ramp in short order. As stated, don't change any ramp angles.

02-24-2010, 12:40 PM
I've got a few cratex and mx points and wheels so I should be good to go there.

Actually, isn't the first rule of polishing, " if you think you've done enough you've gone too far" ? :D

Just wanted to make sure there wasn't a reason I shouldn't polish.
Thank for the help :)