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02-27-2010, 03:38 PM
I gave my true opinion like he asked. I like that he is trying to improve something that is an issue with the savage rifle. and this test was done to find issues with what Gorden is trying to do. He now has some more information to work with. I am positive - No one that said anything bad meant it as a personal slam. You will find a way.

The problem (as Fred pointed out) is that he was providing an untested/unproven product to people, and more importantly to people with unknown experience/knowledge to properly test it AND recognize potential problems.

I'm all for home-grown ideas, but don't start handing them out like free candy to people until A) you've gathered a lot of opinions and feedback from those who know far more about guns than you do, and B) you've fully tested it and proven beyond doubt that it's safe and reliable in a number of different guns. Not doing so is just an accident waiting to happen and one that could leave you liable for injuries sustained or even worse.

It was never handed out willy nilly. It was given to very few people and they knew it was for testing before they even accepted. I had no intentions of handing them out to anyone until I felt they were safe. This is and will always be my top priority and as I said before if I thought for a moment it was dangerous I would stop it. This is the reason I contacted everyone who was testing these and let them know to remove them the second I thought there might be a problem. I didn't wait until someone actually had a problem because just the possibility is a reason to stop everything.

Trust me, I did do testing on my part before I even contacted anyone to have them confirm my findings. My test rifle is a 223 and I had absolutely no issues other than what I have already noted in this thread. This is not to say someone elses rifle may not so I called it and told everyone remove them. Now I have positive feedback and can work towards the next solution.

There are some that are under the impresion I was handing them out to everyone, I was not. There were exactly 8 people who received these FOR TESTING not everyone and their mother as some seem to think.

I tried to remain as civil as possible throughout this, in the threads, in my emails and in my private messages. I would like someone to please point out anywhere I haven't been. Now I have been upset and honestly a little disappointed over how this has panned out with the name calling and such but in the end this is a step in the right direction even though it did get a bit ugly.


02-27-2010, 04:37 PM

keep on keeping on


02-27-2010, 05:18 PM
I was one of the "Testers" And I think I was qualified.
I have been shooting and reloading over 50 years and was building "Wildcats"
probably before some of you were born.
I have fired just about every caliber known and every military weapon issued
since WWI. Including the M249 (SAW).

That and $1.00 will get you a cup of coffee

Take it for what it's worth.


02-27-2010, 07:14 PM
Dolomite, if I may add one small piece of advise... Learn to ignore the nay-sayers-and just stay focused on the end goal.

When you take time out to reply, or respond, to negativity, it simply serves to draw you away from your focus.

There will ALWAYS be some form of back-lash against any new idea, or invention-you simply have to keep the path and press on.

You are doing something that I wish I had the time to do. I LOVE tinkering with guns and have had a few good ideas along the way that have helped other people. If you are like me, it's not about the money, it's about helping other people, and bettering (an already great product!) along the way.

In closing-just don't respond to the negativity. You don't have to defend yourself. We all do things that don't sit well with someone else at some point in our lives and that's just part of life. Your ultimate defense-make the product better until all the bugs & kinks are worked out and then you'll find those same people that were knocking you up front, will be begging you for one of your widgets, or copying your design!

If you need another tester-I'm on board.

02-27-2010, 07:26 PM
Extremely Well Said.....


02-28-2010, 03:35 AM
...I have'nt installed mine yet...Since everybody is worried about the fireing pin preload going out of the perimeters of safety...I'll have to get some time to go over it...I have a widget in mind as it was called to possibley enhance it better...Just have to do alittle research first... ;)

02-28-2010, 10:47 AM
Stating you have developed a kit that will greatly improve bolt lift and sending some out to testers implies to many that you are either competent or qualified in some manner. How can you possibly think that you are not keeping people in the dark? Misinformation can be called BS depending on the circumstances. To me its painfully obvious that with a 25 lb spring it is not possible to have a 2.5 lb lift. You did not reveal you were lowering the firing pin spring rate although some of knew. This is not an acceptable practice. When you decided to IGNORE Fred's warning about this you lost all credibility and respect from me. I suspect you dismissed this info long ago but when it is restated and you do not comment and do not admit what you are doing, this was the breaking point for me. I have of late a short fuse towards people I believe are not open minded, or trying to understand WHY or at the very least willing to listen. The apprentices I have to deal with lately are killing me.

Here is an example of an idea brought forth with no personal gain intended. I was reading about improving Rem700's and the guys were talking about the looseness of the bolt shroud and how it WILL cause flyers. Some had success by modifying the shroud but the all ideas were either difficult to apply or just odd. I had a buddy that had a trued 700 that shot great except for the predictable flyers. I thought about it and solved the problem. I posted pics on the forum of the easy process for all to see and scrutinize instantly, now anyone can do it.

A better example would be when Fred told us to use the 38 /357 case and ball bearing. I am 100% positive he knew it was going to cause him nothing but more grief, yet he gave it to us in public and understood it before hand. Its funny to see other guys selling their kit as their own or not having the courtesy of acknowledging its origin. Well funny in the disrespectful, cutthroat, stab in the back sort of way.

There is no negativity towards someone making a mistake.
There is no negativity towards someone trying something different.
There is no negativity towards someone posting their ideas.
This looks EXACTLY like a snake oil salesman tactic. It may not be intentional but this is exactly what it is and a few people fell for it apparently.

Dolomite, I think you should continue on with your ideas, the next one might be a good one. I do not want to discourage you from that.
I'm not calling you a snakeoil salesman because I truly believe you have good intentions but what I am saying is the method you choose to convey your idea leads in a direction you most likely do not deserve. Why not post some pics? We can discuss the good points and the bad points and perhaps we all can learn something in the process.

02-28-2010, 11:09 AM
+1 PEI Rob

Blue Avenger
02-28-2010, 11:27 AM
this one has run its course. another 20 guys reiterating will change nothing. If you have some constructive ideas on how to solve the issue send a pm to him and you guys can save us all from heavy bolt lift.