View Full Version : ***New design bolt lift kit reviews***

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02-27-2010, 12:51 AM
Evidently nobody here has experienced a ruptered primer?
Any time a primer is ruptered, or a case head gives way, the gas has to go somewhere. There are intended routes for that gas to escape, but sometimes they still take the path of least resistance, which is still in the shooters face. Safety glasses have saved me grief numerous times. There is no reason to put yourself in this situation if you know that there is a high probability that will occur.

Besides the safety issue, there are number of other annoying problems that go with a blanked primer, like flame cutting on the bolt face and the firing pin tip, not to mention that little plug of brass that gets stuck in the bolt head. It typically results in a teardown of the bolt assembly.

02-27-2010, 02:39 AM
I have blanked a primer and had that hot gas blow back in my face, lets just say it is not a fun thing.

02-27-2010, 06:37 AM
I must say, I for one am learning all the time.

Is there any argument against using a washer/spacer between the BAS and the bolt handle of the same thickness as the standard type (.38/ball bearing) lift kit?

This would keep spring pre-loading as original but save the need to skim the BAS by the same distance, which seems a better, easily reversable procedure.

02-27-2010, 07:10 AM
This is all part of it, testing and testing and testing. Testing to ensure something is safe is not "nonsense".

I don't think anyone has woke up one day, thougth of an idea and it was perfect right off the bat. This is where decent people to test comes in. Honest people who present honest problems in which Blue Avenger did. I guess I was a little hasty and excited because the potential problems never occurred to me and I thank him for the information.

Also, I never said to clip coils or mess with the spring in any way, I only stated that the test gun had a clipped firing pin spring. This is my fault because I have factory springs and I should have swapped one of those back in.

I opened this thread not to hide anything but for everyone to see the progression. The biggest reason I didn't post pictures and asked the testers not to is because I didn't want others to try to duplicate a potentially dangerous item until we were sure it was safe, which this version isn't. Ask anyone of the testers, it was in the very first PM I sent to them as a group. It wasn't the fact I was trying to keep anything for myself because I planned on giving these away anyways.

The next version will be ready, hopefully, in the next week or two. It will be sent to a few industry guys for their views and testing before I even involve anyone here. Again, not because I want to keep it secret but to keep peole from using a potentially dangerous item.

On last question, at what point is giving something away skirting the rules of the website?

Stating it was "free" and you had "other reasons" just skirts some of the rules on this website
I know you own this board or have a substantial hand in it but if giving things away to help others is skirting the rules then I am not the first and hopefully will not be the last to do so. Finally, delving into personal attacks with the name calling speaks volumes. Everyone has been professional about this, offering honest concerns without having to thump their own chest or resort to name calling.

Thanks again for everyone's honest opinions and valid concerns as well as almost everyone being professional about this whole thing.

02-27-2010, 07:40 AM
I simply love the "American Spirit" of how can we make something better! Best of luck with your research and I wish you nothing but success. Hopefully with your knowledge and understanding, you will hit a homerun :) Savage shooters are rooting for you to make it safe and effective.

02-27-2010, 10:18 AM
I must say, I for one am learning all the time.

Is there any argument against using a washer/spacer between the BAS and the bolt handle of the same thickness as the standard type (.38/ball bearing) lift kit?

This would keep spring pre-loading as original but save the need to skim the BAS by the same distance, which seems a better, easily reversable procedure.

Works yes but once you have the 38 case and ball bearing in there you won't be taking it out so trim the BAS to length. The BAS has an area behind the threads, a threading relief, that is smaller in diameter than the threads. If you install a spacer, it will not stay centered unless you use a rubber o`ring.

Some people never learn, this new version should be called the Dolomite Mushroom kit. People are kept in the dark and fed BS.

02-27-2010, 10:27 AM
The man was humble enough to admit there are problems here. Enough of the name calling and attacks. I think everyone involved see's the point by now.

02-27-2010, 10:33 AM
The man was humble enough to admit there are problems here. Enough of the name calling and attacks. I think everyone involved see's the point by now.


02-27-2010, 10:45 AM
I must say, I for one am learning all the time.

Is there any argument against using a washer/spacer between the BAS and the bolt handle of the same thickness as the standard type (.38/ball bearing) lift kit?

This would keep spring pre-loading as original but save the need to skim the BAS by the same distance, which seems a better, easily reversable procedure.

Works yes but once you have the 38 case and ball bearing in there you won't be taking it out so trim the BAS to length. The BAS has an area behind the threads, a threading relief, that is smaller in diameter than the threads. If you install a spacer, it will not stay centered unless you use a rubber o`ring.

Some people never learn, this new version should be called the Dolomite Mushroom kit. People are kept in the dark and fed BS.

I had a long post all writeen out to respond but decided it is just better not to propogate imaturity.


02-27-2010, 11:04 AM
well i have his original kit and i like it. it has helped my rifle along with some other things i have done to it. i have another savage and would appreciate anohter one of your kits if you dont mind.

im sorry for all the mean things being said on here towards a man trying to help! i certainly do not see any attempt to make a pile of money on this idea matter of fact he sends them to you postage paid. i offered to send him a sase but he refused that just wanted my address.

he was straight up front and wanted honest opinions not to be torn down by people on this board. if no one had any new ideas things sure would not progress. i dont know how he can give a refund when this is free and purely experimental.

thanks for your help


02-27-2010, 11:10 AM
Actually I got to thinking about it. How was it I tried to keep everyone in the dark and fed them BS.

I posted everything, except pictures of the actual part and the reason for that I already stated (it isn't like I can even patent the part). All the findings for everyone to see, the problems others mentioned as well as the fact I acknowledged it was a problem. This was for everyone to see from the begining, the good, the bad and the ugly and it definitely turned ugly. Some people showed their true moral turpitude during this whole thing. I for one believe I was honest and forthright with everything I posted and in no way tried to keep any of the testers from doing the same.

Trust me I would have liked nothing better than the first interation of this to work as I had envisioned but as I said before no concept is perfect, especially early on.


02-27-2010, 11:25 AM
i have another savage and would appreciate anohter one of your kits if you dont mind.


PM me you name and address again. I have a list of names who I sent the old one to but I didn't link them to screen names.


02-27-2010, 12:04 PM
As I stated in our last PM...keep me posted on your progress. Interested in one of these!

Keep up the good work! Your doing a good thing here and I appreciate your time and effort to the shooting world! It's a shame that there are so few people around who are like you.

02-27-2010, 12:27 PM

my email is k0wtz@yahoo.com for some reason i cant get into your private email

warm regards


02-27-2010, 12:42 PM
Email inbound, I would edit it out now.


02-27-2010, 01:10 PM
I for one DO appreciate the effort and enjoyed being part of it.

Good taste prevents me from posting my thoughts.

"That's all I have to say about that".......(Forest Gump)

Blue Avenger
02-27-2010, 01:17 PM
I gave my true opinion like he asked. I like that he is trying to improve something that is an issue with the savage rifle. and this test was done to find issues with what Gorden is trying to do. He now has some more information to work with. I am positive - No one that said anything bad meant it as a personal slam. You will find a way.

02-27-2010, 01:33 PM
I gave my true opinion like he asked. I like that he is trying to improve something that is an issue with the savage rifle. and this test was done to find issues with what Gorden is trying to do. He now has some more information to work with. I am positive - No one that said anything bad meant it as a personal slam. You will find a way.

Truly Said!!......
But was something about mushrooms that set me off.

ONE Attaboy for you.

02-27-2010, 02:03 PM
I gave my true opinion like he asked. I like that he is trying to improve something that is an issue with the savage rifle. and this test was done to find issues with what Gorden is trying to do. He now has some more information to work with. I am positive - No one that said anything bad meant it as a personal slam. You will find a way.

The problem (as Fred pointed out) is that he was providing an untested/unproven product to people, and more importantly to people with unknown experience/knowledge to properly test it AND recognize potential problems.

I'm all for home-grown ideas, but don't start handing them out like free candy to people until A) you've gathered a lot of opinions and feedback from those who know far more about guns than you do, and B) you've fully tested it and proven beyond doubt that it's safe and reliable in a number of different guns. Not doing so is just an accident waiting to happen and one that could leave you liable for injuries sustained or even worse.

02-27-2010, 02:29 PM
"...handing them out like free candy to people " Give us a break, he's testing these with a few who know the risks and taking precautions. If he can work out the kinks we all benifit.

Keep up the good work Dolomite! You'll always have a few trying to get in the way of good old American ingenuity in favor the way it's always been done.