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10-16-2013, 07:45 PM
WooHoo!... here is my new scale: A&D FX-120i with Magnetic Force Restoration :cool:


Any of you fellow precision OCD nuts using one of these? Tell me more... (I'd love to hear from those of you who have been using one of these)

10-16-2013, 07:53 PM
Cool looking scale ya got yourself there, Jim.

I'm still using the 'ol RCBS 505 & 1010 here. Maybe someday I'll jump into the 21st century & go electronic.
Maybe someday...
Good luck with the new toy.

10-16-2013, 08:02 PM
Hey Frank... I have 'em all (digital AND ole school balances - Ohaus 505 and a Lee).

I LOVE my scales (5 all together). But I have really learned how good the digital scales are and - in this particular case - how they can be more accurate.

Now... let's be real here. IF (big IF) you're as OCD as I am on getting the powder weight exact and consistent, then a digital MFR scale like the FX-120i is more than a dream. Question is, does it matter or make a difference? Well, there will be 2 sides to that - but for me the answer is "can't hurt and at least I know what ISN'T the problem".

Anywho... thought you all might have some experiences you can share so I can get ramped up really quickly on this scale.

10-16-2013, 09:03 PM
They are no good. Send it to me and I will dispose of it properly.

In reality, congrats on the new addition.

10-16-2013, 09:17 PM
Personally, I find keeping my 505 and 1010 (even my Lee cheapo) in good clean working order and it works just fine in the consistency department. I learned the hard way that powder leaves a residue that needs to be cleaned off after each use. I also clean the pivot point & dress the pivot blade with an extra fine stone twice a year.
I can see a noticeable difference if I don't clean off the pan. Depending on how many rounds I make it can be off 2 -3 10ths of a gr. by the time I'm done.
I keep homemade dust covers on my scales, too.

I have read about electronics not liking to be near fluorescents or magnetics. It makes them act funky.
My favorite feature with balance type scales is portability & no need for power.

10-16-2013, 09:50 PM
..and this is where the "anal" in me (yes - I'm an a-hole) is compounded by my OCD in relaoding. I'm searching for repeatability and accuracy to within 0.01 gn (but I'll take 0.015 gn). And most importantly, I want it repeatable and where I don't have "other" factors throwing the results "off". Example: having analogue balance are way cool, but they require more maintenance than I care for and are kinda slow to react on single grains of powder, and they are not easy to use in places where a draft might occur (and I don't have a draft cover for mine). So while the balances are very cool and the best value, they just don't quite get me where I want to be.

I've been using several digital scales, and all of them have tought me that they CAN be more accurate and repeatable. But - like the analogue balances - they are typically slow and can drift. My Chargemaster helps to make my life easier, but I can tell you that it's digital scale can drift and isn't the best as a final final on the thrown weight (hence I added my GemPro 250 as the final final). If you can allow alot of time, even a cheap digital scale can produce very accurate results (for example - the GemPro 250). But I'm wanting to speed up the process as time is getting to be harder and harder to come by. MFR (magnetic force restoration) digital scales use a very fast (but not cheap) weigh cell sensor that far exceeds anything that the strain guage based untis can produce - and they do it instantly.

Of course... at this point in time, I'm lauding the virtues of MFR scale technology but haven't actually used it. Not that it isn't proven - it is. But I'd have to be fair and reserve final judgement upon actually putting this into practice.

...we'll see.

10-18-2013, 02:21 PM
Jim, I have several digital and beam scales also. However, don't all digital scales suffer from the same 'limitation' That is, toggling of the LSD (Least Significant Digit)....
As you know when weighing, say, 36.5 gr of powder and the ".5" changes from ".5 to .6"..... right 'on the edge'....

Beautiful scale BTW.


10-19-2013, 01:26 PM
WooHoo!... here is my new scale: A&D FX-120i with Magnetic Force Restoration :cool:


Any of you fellow precision OCD nuts using one of these? Tell me more... (I'd love to hear from those of you who have been using one of these)

received mine a few weeks ago and have been using with an Omega trickler and an RCBS measure. I set my display on the scale to "fast". My impression is that I can load cases as fast as my Chargemaster (which will soon be for sale).


10-20-2013, 08:51 AM
Hmmm.... would love to hear more about how to do that!

10-20-2013, 02:18 PM
don't understand. set the display to fast? it's in the manual.